NO. Maja kaller sammen til full krigsmaling med bestevenninen Silvia, når verdens beste pappa får en langbent og mørkhåret hemmelighet. Men det er først når Silvia flytter, og mamma ligger på sykehuset for å få lillebror, at ting begynner å skje...
Blant annet møter Maja Gloria, som bor i foreldrefri sone, fordi hun har funnet ut at de fleste foreldre er best hver for seg. Maja vil, som de fleste barn, ha både mamma og pappa, og tar saken i egne hender! Kanskje er det sant at forelskelse gjør blind, men da har man ikke regnet med at indianere til og med kan se i mørket! Så lenge Maja får bestemme, skal cowboyene aldri vinne!
EN. What happens to 10-year-old Maya when she discovers that the world's best dad has a long-legged, dark-haired secret? If your Indian name is Maya Stoneface, you put on your war paint with your best friend Silvia and raise the war-cry. But Maya finds herself alone after Silvia moves away and Mom goes to the hospital to have her baby brother. It is then that Maya discovers her independence and that's when things begin to happen. Maya meets Gloria who has determined that parents are best kept separately, but Maya, like most children, wants a mother and a father in the same place, and takes matters into her own hands. Even if Dad is blinded by love, he hadn't counted on Indians being able to see in the dark. As long as Maya gets to decide, the cowboys will never win. Maya Stoneface is a fresh and humorous family film which at its core is firmly anchored in a warm and close father/daughter relationship.
Director: Lars Berg.
Cast: May-Thali Magnussen-Liberman, Øyvin Bang Berven, Pia Borgli, Laila Goody, Cecilie Frøshaug, Helle Haugen, Roger Hilleren, Johannes Joner, Ingolf Karinen, Elsa Lystad, Kristin Solemstad.
Norway, 1996.
Download Maja Steinansikt.
Blant annet møter Maja Gloria, som bor i foreldrefri sone, fordi hun har funnet ut at de fleste foreldre er best hver for seg. Maja vil, som de fleste barn, ha både mamma og pappa, og tar saken i egne hender! Kanskje er det sant at forelskelse gjør blind, men da har man ikke regnet med at indianere til og med kan se i mørket! Så lenge Maja får bestemme, skal cowboyene aldri vinne!
EN. What happens to 10-year-old Maya when she discovers that the world's best dad has a long-legged, dark-haired secret? If your Indian name is Maya Stoneface, you put on your war paint with your best friend Silvia and raise the war-cry. But Maya finds herself alone after Silvia moves away and Mom goes to the hospital to have her baby brother. It is then that Maya discovers her independence and that's when things begin to happen. Maya meets Gloria who has determined that parents are best kept separately, but Maya, like most children, wants a mother and a father in the same place, and takes matters into her own hands. Even if Dad is blinded by love, he hadn't counted on Indians being able to see in the dark. As long as Maya gets to decide, the cowboys will never win. Maya Stoneface is a fresh and humorous family film which at its core is firmly anchored in a warm and close father/daughter relationship.
Director: Lars Berg.
Cast: May-Thali Magnussen-Liberman, Øyvin Bang Berven, Pia Borgli, Laila Goody, Cecilie Frøshaug, Helle Haugen, Roger Hilleren, Johannes Joner, Ingolf Karinen, Elsa Lystad, Kristin Solemstad.
Norway, 1996.
Download Maja Steinansikt.
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Maja Steinansikt. 1996. |
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