Friday, June 29, 2018

Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.

За полученную милость / Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.

La narrazione, con continue analessi si intreccia con i primi anni di vita di Benedetto, ragazzino vivace e sfrontato che vive in un paesino agricolo della Ciociaria. Benedetto è orfano: di lui si occupa soltanto una zia nubile e libertina, che lo rimprovera continuamente delle sue monellerie, lo riempie di scrupoli religiosi e medita di sbarazzarsene affidandolo a un orfanotrofio. Di notte il ragazzo non riesce a dormire perché ha paura di certi rumori; la zia gli dice che sono rimorsi per le sue cattiverie, invece li causa lei stessa ricevendo uomini. Anche gli amici di Benedetto sono pervasi dagli scrupoli, temono di essere in peccato mortale per aver guardato, nascosti nei campi, sotto le gonne delle contadine intente alla raccolta. Per questo, mentre si appresta a ricevere la prima comunione, Benedetto vive l'avvenimento in un clima di religiosità esasperata. Nella preparazione al sacramento, il curato don Quirino distribuisce ai bambini le effigi degli "amici celesti", i santi che dovrebbero assisterli finché riceveranno Gesù. A Benedetto tocca sant'Eusebio, martirizzato sul rogo.
Director: Nino Manfredi.
Cast: Nino Manfredi, Lionel Stander, Delia Boccardo, Paola Borboni, Mario Scaccia, Fausto Tozzi, Mariangela Melato, Tano Cimarosa, Gastone Pescucci.
Italy, 1971.
Language: Italian.
Download Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles.
За полученную милость / Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.
Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.

Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.

Золотое руно / Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.
EN. The myth of Jason and the Argonauts in a different interpretation performed by children.
DE. Mit wenig Budget, aber viel Spaß am Abenteuerfilm drehten die drei Regisseure Reitz, Brustellin und Stöckl mit dem Bühnenbildner Perakis diese Version der Argonautensage, die ausschließlich mit Kindern und jugendlichen Darstellern besetzt ist. Der elfjährige Jason und seine Gefährten, darunter Herakles und Orpheus, begeben sich mit dem Schiff "Argo" auf die Suche nach dem Goldenen Vlies. Mit Witz und List überwinden sie verschiedenste Hindernisse, bis sie das Ziel ihrer phantastischen Reise erreichen. Das Experiment ist nicht nur der Popularisierung oder naiven Verklärung des Mythos geschuldet, sondern dem durch Recherchen belegten Umstand, dass die Helden der Antike tatsächlich sehr jung waren.
Director: Alf Brustellin, Nicos Perakis, Edgar Reitz, Ula Stöckl.
Cast:  Christian Reitz, Oliver Jovine, Konstantin Sautier, Hermann Haberer, Wolfgang Heinz, Michael Heinz, Klaus Kayser, Christian Stein, Ramin Vahabschadeh, Michael Jeron, Mario Zöllner, Alf Brustellin, Reinhard Hauff.
Germany, 1972.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece.
Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.
Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.
Золотое руно / Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.
Das goldene Ding / The Golden Fleece. 1972.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Die dicke Tilla. 1982.

Толстая Тилла / Die dicke Tilla. 1982.
 DE. Die etwa zehnjährige Tilla gibt in ihrer Klasse den Ton an. Alle machen, was sie will. Als eine Neue kommt, Anne, bricht Feindschaft auf den ersten Blick aus. Anne malt gern, trägt eine Brille und hat lauter Einsen. Tilla hetzt auch die anderen gegen Anne auf, die sie nicht mag, weil sie so anders ist. Der Zwist wird handgreiflich. Tilla demoliert Annes Fahrrad, und die anfangs schüchterne Anne revanchiert sich mit einem Bild, das Tilla als Karikatur darstellt. In einer Notsituation kommen sie sich plötzlich näher, erzählen von sich. Und das gegenseitige Kennenlernen offenbart, daß sie beide die Neigung zu einer neuen Freundschaft empfinden.
EN. Two girls experience dislike at first sight because of their differences. Then they sort things out.
Director: Werner Bergmann.
Cast: Carmen Sarge, Jana Mattukat, Matthias Manz, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Peter Bause, Carl Heinz Choynski, Heinke Fredenhagen, Mirko Heinke, Dagmar Henkel, Günter Junghans, Christian Krause.
DDR, DEFA, 1982.
Language: German.
Download Die dicke Tilla.
Толстая Тилла / Die dicke Tilla. 1982.
Die dicke Tilla. 1982.

The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns. 2008.

Правда о сауне, правда о финнах / The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns. 2008.
 Taking sauna is the Finnish people's national obsession, so there are two of the per five Fins, and they build theme everywhere, even on military operations and aboard vessels, but preferably near a lake, to dive in even on ice days, with trees to cut whisking birches from. Weekly, usually on Saturday, is considered a hygienic minimum, daily the good life, especially in summer and holidays. It's a family and/or social activity, relaxing and removing social barriers, but also linked to sports and all kinds of bonding.
Director: Nina Stenros, Anu Valve.
Cast: Sirkka-Liisa Anttila, Jorn Donner, Neil Hardwick, Jonathan Hutchings, Urho Kekkonen, Paavo Nurmi.
Finland, Germany, France, 2008.
1024x576 HD.
Download The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns.
Правда о сауне, правда о финнах / The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns. 2008.
The Truth About Sauna: The Truth About Finns. 2008.

Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.

Поджигатель / Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.
 In 1915 four kids try to stop the arsonist who is terrifying their small New Zealand town, but no one believes them. Based on the novel by Maurice Gee. Screened on New Zealand television in 1986 under the title "The Fire-Raiser" as a 5 part mini series, was edited to movie length in Canada as "The Undercover Gang".
Director: Peter Sharp.
Cast: Jon Trimmer, Elizabeth Moody, Peter Hayden, Miles Murphy, Alix Chapman, Darryl Beattie, Emma Vere-Jones, Donna Akersten, Anne Budd, Gerald Bryan, Jane Waddell, Helen Moulder, Edward Campbell.
New Zealand 1986.
Language: English.
Download Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser.
Поджигатель / Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.
Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.

Do Começo ao Fim / From Beginning to End. 2009.

 Do Começo ao Fim / From Beginning to End. 2009.
 PT. A medica Julieta (Julia Lemmertz) e mae de Francisco (Lucas Cotrim quando crianca e Joao Gabriel quando adulto), fruto de seu relacionamento com o argentino Pedro (Jean-Pierre Noher). Depois da separacao, ela conhece o arquiteto Alexandre (Fabio Assuncao), com quem tem um outro filho, Thomas (Gabriel Kaufman / Rafael Cardoso). Como cria os meninos juntos, Julieta e a primeira a perceber que no carinho dos irmaos se desenha uma solida paixao.
EN. Two brothers develop a very close relationship as they are growing up in an idyllic and happy family. When they are young adults their relationship becomes very intimate, romantic, and sexual.
2. Two men find love in defiance of convention in this drama from writer and director Aluizio Abranches. Six-year-old Thomas (Gabriel Kaufmann) is best friends with his half-brother, twelve-year-old Francisco (Lucas Cotrim). Julieta (Julia Lemmertz) is delighted that her son Francisco gets along so well with her second husband Alexandre (Fabio Assuncao) and his son Thomas, but a few neighbors wonder if the boys are closer than is healthy. As the boys grow older, the bond between them grows stronger, and after the death of their parents, 21-year-old Thomas (Rafael Cardoso) and 27-year-old Francisco (Joao Gabriel Vasconcellos) are finally willing to acknowledge their physical attraction to one another. After they've become lovers, Thomas gets some exciting news -- a competitive swimmer, he's been accepted to join Brazil's Olympic team. However, as part of his training program, he's expected to spend the next three years at a camp for championship swimmers in Russia. Can Thomas stand to be taken away from the support of his friend, his brother, and his lover? Do Comeco ao Fim (aka From Beginning to End) was an official selection at the 2010 San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival.
Director: Aluizio Abranches.
Cast: Julia Lemmertz, Fabio Assuncao, Jean Pierre Noher, Louise Cardoso, Lucas Cotrim, Gabriel Kaufmann, Rafael Cardoso, Joao Gabriel Vasconcellos, Mausi Martinez, Eduardo Coutinho.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Russian (Portuguese).
Download Do Comeco ao Fim / From Beginning to End.
Do Começo ao Fim / From Beginning to End. 2009.
Do Começo ao Fim / From Beginning to End. 2009.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World. 1993.

Мир Людовика / Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World. 1993.
NL. Ludovic iseen twaalfjarig jongetje dat houdt van videospelletjes, horror- en SF-strips, waardoor hij zich een verkeerd beeld heeft gevormd van de werkelijkheid. Hij krijgt een vriendinnetje, Sophie, en als hij bij haar thuiskomt, ontdekt hij traditie, warmte en genegenheid, die voor hem onbekend zijn omdat hij gewend is aan zijn kille fantasiewereld. De volwassenen dragen echter maskers om de schijn op te houden en als die vallen, raakt hij zo in de war dat hij in een psychiatrische inrichting verpleegd moet worden.
EN. Ludovic, a young boy neglected by his artsy parents, falls in love with Sophie, the daughter of a piano teacher. They meet in secret places in the city. Not long after Sophie's father finds them naked together in her room, Ludovic is sent away to spend time with his grandparents. Sophie runs away from home to join him, and they hide along the seashore and in abandoned buildings. After they are found, their parents try to keep them separate, but they both fall into deep depressions.
Director: Jean-Pierre De Decker.
Cast: Mathias Coppens, Bella van Meel, Didier Bezace, Annick Christiaens, Peter Tuinman, Will van Kralingen, Tijn Schmits, Leslie de Gruyter, Ludo Busschots, Hilde Van Mieghem, Andrea Croonenberghs.
Belgium, Netherlands, France, 1993.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World.
Мир Людовика / Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World.
Мир Людовика / Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World. 1993.
 Wereld van Ludovic, De / Monde de Ludovic, Le / Ludovic`s World. 1993.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Пльонтек / Plyontek. 1991.

Пльонтек / Plyontek. 1991.
 BG. „Пльонтек“ е български игрален филм от 1991 година на режисьора Борислав Шаралиев, по сценарий на Виктор Пасков. Оператор е Емил Христов.
Пльонтек е момче със слаба физика и травмирана психика. За да укрепне, го изпращат в детски санаториум. Там има установени правила на взаимоотношения между възпитаниците. „Черните пирати“ със заплахи и бой налагат своите порядки. Пльонтек разбира, че свободата и всеобщата справедливост не съществуват. Негова сила стават хитростта, коварството и умът. Така той става пълновластен господар на малкото царство от малтретирани, озлобени и подчинени поданици. Кръгът се затваря до появата на следващият желаещ да се пребори със злото...
EN. Plyontek, a boy with a weak constitution and traumatized psyche. Sent to a sanatorium where established rules among graduates, black pirate threats and combat establishes its rules. Plyontek gradually becomes ruler of a small kingdom of bitter and abused subjects. The circle is close to the emergence of the next willing to participant to fight evil.
Director: Borislav Sharaliev.
Cast: Dimitar Popov, Adriana Andreeva, Yanina Kasheva, Zhulieta Raleva, Pepa Nikolova, Asparuh Asparuhov, Evelina Borisova, Georgi Kodov, Plamen Bochev, Nadya Todorova, Radomir Balabanov.
Bulgaria,  Boyana Film, 1991.
Language: Bulgarian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Пльонтек / Plyontek.
Пльонтек / Plyontek. 1991.
Пльонтек / Plyontek. 1991.

Monday, June 25, 2018

हेलो / Halo. 1996.

हेलो / Halo. 1996.
 IN. बिन मां कि साशा कॆ जीवन में अकेलेपन दुर करनॆ वाला उसका पिल्ला ‘ हेलो ’ है. जब हेलो खो जाता है तब साशा कॆ मन मॆ केवल एक ही विचार है – उसे किसी भी कीमत पर वापस पाना. यॆ सात वर्षीय लड़की उसके कुत्ते कि खोज, मुंबई के भव्य सड़कों पर, ऐलिस कॆ खरगोश छेद मॆ सवारी के रूप में हॊता है जंहा वह एक के बाद एक विशेष स्वभाव का व्यक्तियॊ सॆ मिलती है. क्या साशा उसके छोटे पिल्ला सॆ मिल पाती है ? लुभावनी दृश्यों द्वारा दीखाया गया हेलो विशेष छायाकार और निर्देशक, संतोष सिवान की पहली फीचर जॊ हर किसी कॊ दॆखनॆ के लिए मजेदार और मनोरंजक है. इस फिल्म नॆ कई राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार सहित 1996 मॆ, 43 वा राष्ट्रीय फिल्म पुरस्कार में सर्वश्रेष्ठ बाल फिल्म, जीत लियॆ है. साशा कॆ पिता की भूमिका में मशहूर बॉलीवुड निर्देशक राजकुमार संतोषी नॆ काम किया.
EN. Halo is a 1996 Indian film directed by Santosh Sivan. It tells the story of Sasha (Benaf Dadachandji), who is searching for her lost puppy in the streets of Mumbai and the variety of people that she meets.
Halo revolves around a seven-year-old girl, Sasha (Benaf Dadachandji), who is in quest of her lost puppy. Having lost her mother in childhood, she yearns for mother's love and always feels lonely, even though there is a doting father in Rajkumar Santoshi. During vacation, when all the other kids are busy playing, she sits silently and doesn't even eat properly. So, the gluttonous servant fabricates a story that a miracle will happen in form of a Halo. There comes a street dog and Sasha believes it to be the miracle, the God-sent Halo. She adopts it and names it Halo. Now her life revolves around him. She sleeps, she drinks, she eats with him. Her father doesn't object. One day Halo is lost. Sasha is terribly upset. The quest of her lost puppy takes her through the terrifying streets of Mumbai to the neurotic editor of a newspaper, a gang of smugglers (led by Tinnu Anand), a police commissioner (Mukesh Rishi) and a colorful gang of street urchins.
Directors: Sivan, Santosh Sivan.
Cast: Benaf Dadachandji, Rajkumar Santoshi, Sahil Choujar, Kharabela Mohapatra, Harish Patel.
India, 1996.
Language: Hindi, Malayalam.
1280x720 HD
Download हेलो / Halo.
हेलो / Halo. 1996.
हेलो / Halo. 1996.

Il Cielo Cade / The Sky is falling. 2000.

Падающее небо / Il Cielo Cade / The Sky is falling. 2000.

1944, an estate north of Firenze. The weight of the world is on the shoulders of Penny, who's about 10. An orphan, she must watch over her little sister when they go to live with her aunt and uncle. Penny's a Catholic, and worries about her uncle's soul. He's Jewish, progressive and a free thinker, a fair boss, and devoted to his family. He can be stern, so Penny also worries that she'll never please him and that he won't love her. Then, after the Allied forces land in Sicily and the Germans begin their retreat, Penny must worry about her uncle's life. She tries logic and appeals to human decency. Can a child keep the sky from falling?  
Director: Andrea Frazzi, Antonio Frazzi.
Cast: Isabella Rossellini, Jeroen Krabbé, Barbara Enrichi, Gianna Giachetti, Luciano Virgilio, Azzurra Antonacci, Bruno Vetti, Selene Maltauro, Mauro Marino, Bettina Giovannini.
Italy, 2000.
Падающее небо / Il Cielo Cade /The Sky is falling.
Il Cielo Cade /The Sky is falling.

Friends. 1971.

Friends. 1971.
 In this teen romance, a young neglected English boy named Paul Harrison (Sean Bury) runs away and becomes friends with a French girl named Michelle La Tour (Anicee Alvina) on the same flight. Together, they go to an idyllic marsh location in France; specifically, the Camargue. There, they become lovers, set up housekeeping, have a baby, and play at being responsible adults. Along the way, both Paul and Michelle discover many of the troubles that can be involved with family life.
Ultimately, however, police who have responded to a missing-persons report separate the two and, presumably, take their baby into protective custody.
Friends is a 1971 teen-romance film directed and produced by Lewis Gilbert and written by Gilbert, Vernon Harris, and Jack Russell. The soundtrack, with music composed by Elton John and lyrics written by Bernie Taupin, was released as the Friends album, and John's recording of the title selection charted when released as a single in the United States. The film was nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best English-Language Foreign Film at the 1972 Golden Globe Awards. It was also nominated for Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture at the 1972 Grammy Awards.
Director: Lewis Gilbert.
Cast: Sean Bury, Anicee Alvina, Ronald Lewis, Toby Robins, Joan Hickson, Pascale Roberts, Sady Rebbot.
UK, 1971.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Friends.
Friends. 1971.
Friends. 1971.

Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.

Последние из Филиппин / Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.
EN. Adventures of two sisters and their governess, who, after shipwreck were on the "uninhabited" island.
ES. Dos huérfanas y su institutriz, naufragan en una isla aparentemente desierta. Las tres escapan de las revueltas de los insurrectos filipinos que se enfrentaron a la soberanía española a finales del siglo XIX.
Director: Jesús Franco.
Cast: Lina Romay (Cecilia Muro), Flavia Hervas (Flavia), Helena Garret (Maria Fernanda), Jose Moreno (Pepe el Naufrago), Jose Llamas (Pescador), José Miguel García.
Spain, 1986.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las últimas de Filipinas.
Последние из Филиппин / Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.
Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.
Последние из Филиппин / Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.
Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.

Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.

Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.
Peggy Gravel, a neurotic, delusional, suburban housewife, and her overweight maid, Grizelda Brown, go on the lam after Grizelda smothers Peggy's husband, Bosley, to death. The two are arrested by a cross-dressing policeman who gives them an ultimatum: go to jail or be exiled to Mortville, a filthy shantytown ruled by the evil Queen Carlotta and her treasonous daughter, Princess Coo-Coo.
Peggy and Grizelda choose Mortville, but still engage in lesbian prison sex. They become associates of self-hating lesbian wrestler Mole McHenry, who wants a sex change to please her lover, Muffy St. Jacques. Most of Mortville's social outcasts—criminals, nudists, and sexual deviants—conspire to overthrow Queen Carlotta, who banishes Coo-Coo after she elopes with a garbage collector, who is later shot to death by the guards. Coo-Coo hides in Peggy and Grizelda's house with her dead lover. When Peggy betrays Coo-Coo to the Queen's guards, Grizelda fights them, and dies when the house collapses on her. Peggy, however, joins the queen in terrorizing her subjects, even infecting them (and Princess Coo-Coo) with rabies.
Eventually, Mortville's denizens, led by Mole, overthrow Queen Carlotta and execute Peggy by shooting a gun up her anus. To celebrate their freedom, the townsfolk roast Carlotta on a spit and serve her, pig-like, on a platter with an apple in her mouth.
Director: John Waters.
Cast: Liz Renay, Mink Stole, Susan Lowe, Edith Massey, Mary Vivian Pearce, Jean Hill, Brook Yeaton, Karen Gerwig, Jay Allan, Al Strapelli, George Stover, Turkey Joe.
USA, 1977.
Language: English, Russian.
Download DVD Desperate Living / Mortville.
Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.
Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Barnens ö / Children's Island. 1980. DVD.

Barnens ö / Children's Island. 1980. DVD.
 SE. 11-årige Reine Larsson skall tillbringa en lång sommar på kolonin Barnens ö i Stockholms skärgård, men han beslutar sig för att stanna i stan. En gryende könsmognad får Reine att fundera över livet, döden och framför allt sin sexuella identitet. Han vill även finna sin biologiske far. I filmen följer man Reine på dennes upptäcktsfärd i vuxenvärlden, en värld som både lockar och avskräcker.
EN. Reine is supposed to go to a summer camp called 'Childrens island' but decides to remain in Stockholm over the summer while his mother is working at a hospital. She thinks he is at the camp and he tells her he his. We then follow him around Stockholm that summer and see what he encounter on the path of life.
Director: Kay Pollak.
Cast: Tomas Fryk, Anita Ekström, Ingvar Hirdwall, Lars-Erik Berenett, Hjördis Petterson, Borje Ahlstedt, Lena Granhagen, Majlis Granlund, Sif Ruud, Malin Ek.
Sweden, 1980.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Format: DVD9 736х480.
Download Barnens ö / Children's Island.
Barnens ö / Children's Island. 1980. DVD.
Barnens ö / Children's Island. 1980. DVD.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Sýkorka / Little Chickadee. 1989.

Синичка / Sýkorka / Little Chickadee. 1989.
 „O velké lásce dvou různých malých dětí“
SK. Sýkorkou nazývá dědeček osmiletou vnučku Danku. Její dětství na malém městě je komplikováno skutečností, že pochází ze smíšeného česko-slovenského manželství a že oba její rodiče jsou zaměstnáni. Tak Danka tráví většinu svého volného času s milovaným dědou - truhlářem, který jí vštěpuje lásku k práci, ústu k lidem a smysl pro věrnost a přáteltví. Ze spolužáků je jejím nejlepším kamarádem chlapec Teo Grossmann, syn bohatého židovského kupce. Danka se téměř na každém kroku střetává s nesmyslnými bariérami národnostními, sociálnímia náboženskými. Píše se rok 1938 a v městečku narůstá napětí. Množí se protičeské a protižidovské výpady. Danka nemůže pochopit jaký rozdíl existuje mezi ní a Teem a třeba chlapci z hitlerjugend, kteří jsou ve slovenském městečku na prázdninách. Nechápe, že její dosud šťastný svět a současně i svět jejích rodičů, jejího dědy a všech čestných lidí se bortí.
EN. Set in Czechoslovakia in the summer of 1938, about two children who play together and who are great friends. However their days of friendship are numbered...
Director: Pavel Gejdoš ml.
Cast: Anna Arpášová, Martin Kováč, Svatopluk Matyáš, Viera Topinková, Eva Matejková, Jana Zvaríková, Peter Jezný, Elena Zemanová, Aleš Rychlík, Marta Nitranová.
Czechoslovakia, 1989.
Language: Slovak.
Download Sýkorka / Little Chickadee.
Синичка / Sýkorka / Little Chickadee. 1989.
 Sýkorka / Little Chickadee. 1989.

Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988.

Джонни придёт / Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988.
 DE. Der13-jährige Jonny lebt in einem Kinderheim. Sein Vater ist tot. Seine Mutter ist nicht in der Lage, ihn großzuziehen. Jonny sehnt sich nach einer Familie, und so steht er eines Tages vor der Tür der Familie Koberg und teilt der Familie mit, dass er nicht mehr zurück ins Heim gehe. Da der zwölfjährige Sascha Koberg sich sofort mit Jonny anfreundet, beschließen Mutter Johanna und Vater Rolf, eine Patenschaft für den Jungen zu übernehmen. Sascha und sein kleiner Bruder Thomas mögen Jonny sehr, die 15-jährige Julia ist nicht so begeistert über noch einen "Bruder", akzeptiert aber die Entscheidung der Eltern. Doch bald schon gibt es die ersten Konflikte: Jonny schnüffelt in Saschas Sachen herum und begeht damit einen schweren Vertrauensbruch. Außerdem schafft er es nicht, Vater Koberg von seinen schlechten schulischen Leistungen zu erzählen. Er lässt Klassenarbeiten und Mahnbriefe der Schule verschwinden. Als Rolf Koberg seinen Patenjungen zur rede stellt, reagiert Jonny äußerst aggressiv...
EN. Jonny, a roughly 12 year old boy whose father is unknown and whose mother did not have him at home and have him deported because of a children's home, longs for a family. So he sets off one day on the way to the family of the doctor who cared for the children in medically and to which he feels himself drawn. First, his family reacted quite positively to Jonny. The defiant and sometimes aggressive behavior cause, however, that the plan to bring Jonny permanently from the home, it may be to adopt, falters... 
Director: Richard Engel.
Cast: Petra Kelling, Joachim Siebenschuh, Sebastian Hattop, Benjamin Burkhardt, Silke Natzkem, Marius Schönefeld, enno Mieth, Hanka Metowa, Irmgard Marzahn, Susanne Saewert, Martin Anders, Thomas Schimanke.
DDR, DEFA, 1988.
Language: German.
Download Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes.
Джонни придёт / Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988.
 Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Jan Saudek. V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu. 2007.

Ян Саудек. В плену страстей, без надежды на спасение / Jan Saudek. V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu.
 Celovecerni dokumentarni film JAN SAUDEK, s podtitulem „V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu“, vypravi osobitym zpusobem syrove pravdivy zivotni pribeh hrdiny i odpadlika. Podava jej jako velkolepe drama. Drama plne barev vzrusujicich obrazu, ale take provokujicich myslenek, iluzi a ideji. Jan Saudek, svetove uznavany fotograf, v zahranici mnohokrat oceneny a vystavovany daleko drive, nez ho poznala siroka verejnost v rodne vlasti, vystupuje pred kamerou v mnoha rolich. Casto je meni, casto prekvapuje, nejcasteji sokuje. Presto se ani tento velky stvoritel iluzi zcela neschoval pred pronasledujicimi tremi kamerami a nemilosrdne odhalujicim okem rezisera.
The full-length documentary film JAN SAUDEK provides a personally truthful yet harsh life story of a hero and dropout. It is presented as a grand drama, not just full of stirring, colorful photographs, but also provocative ideas, illusions and ideals. Jan Saudek became a world-renowned photographer, winning international awards and being exhibited abroad, long before he had gained recognition in his native country. He is a man who appears in many roles before the camera, often changing them, often surprising, and often shocking. However, even the most versatile illusionist is incapable of entirely hiding in the face of three cameramen in action under the supervision of a director.
Director: Adolf Zika.
Czech Republic, United States, 2007.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian, English, Czech, Portuguese.
Download Jan Saudek. V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu.
Ян Саудек. В плену страстей, без надежды на спасение / Jan Saudek. V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu.
 Jan Saudek. V pekle svych vasni, raj v nedohlednu.

Jan Saudek.
Jan Saudek.

Jacquot de Nantes. 1991.

Жако из Нанта  / Jacquot de Nantes. 1991.
  Jacquot Demy is a little boy at the end of the thirties. His father owns a garage and his mother is a hairdresser. The whole family lives happily and likes to sing and to go to the movies. Jacquot is fascinated by every kind of show (theatre, cinema, puppets). He buys a camera to shoot his first amateur film... An evocation of French cineast Jacques Demy's childhood and vocation for the cinema and the musicals.
Director: Agnes Varda.
Cast: Jacques Demy, Philippe Maron, Edouard Joubeaud, Laurent Monnier, Brigitte De Villepoix, Daniel Dublet, Clement Delaroche.
France, 1991.
 Language: French, Russian.
Download Jacquot de Nantes.
Жако из Нанта  / Jacquot de Nantes. 1991.
 Jacquot de Nantes. 1991.

Laurdagskveld. 1976.

Субботний вечер / Laurdagskveld. 1976.
 Short film about a couple on the farm that are trying their best to keep their family grief from his two daughters.
Director: Eli Ryg.
Cast: Ane Hoel, Finn Kvalem, Gro Ofte, Anne Skinnarland.
Norway, 1976.
Language: Norwegian.
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Субботний вечер / Laurdagskveld. 1976.
Laurdagskveld. 1976.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Vårnatt. 1976.

Весенняя ночь / Vårnatt. 1976.
 NO. Hallstein og Sissel bor sammen med foreldrene på et småbruk i en liten bygd. Denne vårnatten skal de for første gang være alene hjemme mens foreldrene er i begravelse i en annen bygd. Det hersker en varm fortrolighet mellom dem og de har gledet seg til å være hjemme. Men i det de er i ferd med å spise kveldsmat, banker det på døra. Utenfor står det en fremmed familie som trenger hjelp. Bilen deres har streiket og en ung kvinne blandt dem skal føde. De trenger rom, senger og en jordmor. Etterhvert fører uløste konflikter dem imellom til spenning i det lille huset. Et psykologisk drama etter en roman av Tarjej Vesaas.
EN. Spring Night (Nynorsk: Vårnatt) is a 1954 novel by the Norwegian writer Tarjei Vesaas. It tells the story of two siblings who for the first time spend a night without their parents, and are visited by strangers who ask for room for the night. An English translation by Kenneth G. Chapman was published in 1964, in a shared volume with Vesaas' novel The Seed.
Director: Erik Solbakken.
Cast: Espen Skjønberg, Astrid Folstad, Svein Scharffenberg, Bentein Baardson, Anders Mordal, Inger Marie Andersen, Wilfred Breistrand, Bente Børsum, Maryon Eilertsen, Veslemøy Haslund, Tania Kjeldset.
Norway, 1976.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Vårnatt.
Весенняя ночь / Vårnatt. 1976.
Vårnatt. 1976.

Geschwister. 1975.

Два брата и сестра / Лето у моря / Geschwister.

Herbert und Hella sind beide allein erziehende Zugbegleiter. Sie heiraten und damit die Kinder sich zusammenfinden, schicken sie die drei Kinder in die Sommerferien an die Ostsee.
Director: Wolfgang Hübner.
Cast: Marijam Agischewa, Carola Braunbock, Hannelore Erle, Angelika Herrmann, Elli Jessen-Somann, Hans Klering, Ingeborg Krabbe, Reinhard Michalke, Stefan Naujokat.
DDR, DEFA, 1975.
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Два брата и сестра / Лето у моря / Geschwister.
Geschwister. 1975.

Fanny Farveløs. 1997.

Fanny Farveløs. 1997.

Det er en rigtig dum dag. Grå-gammel-leverpostej-karklud-januar-mandag-morgen. Fanny er også lidt snotnæset, så det er nok rarere at blive hjemme under dynen. Fanny spiller syg, og mor hopper på den. Men lige lidt hjælper det, for mor skal på arbejde, og så må Fanny slæbes til dagsygeplejersken og børnepasseren fru Helger. Der er dømt nederlag. Men så sker miraklet. Fru Helger er til fest og farver og eventyr. Og dagen flyver af sted i store kjoler, balsale og badekar - og der er naturligvis også en hvid ridder på en hvid hest!
Director: Natasha Arthy.
Cast: Martin Brygmann, Anne Marie Helger, Sidse Babett Knudsen.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Fanny Farveløs.
Fanny Farveløs. 1997.
Fanny Farveløs. 1997.

Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.

Амазония: приключения молодых морских репортёров / Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.
 "Amazon: The Wayana Indians" is the third of three documentaries featuring French filmmaker Charles Herve-Gruyer and a group of young French students sailing the Atlantic in search of The Wayanas Indians. After months of grueling sailing aboard the ship ”Fleur de Lampaul”, the troupe finally arrive in the jungle of the French Guiana. This time the camera focuses on two of the students, brothers, as they live and learn the life of the Wayanas in the Amazon jungle. For one month they will eat, sleep, bathe, and hunt as the tribe has been doing for centuries.
Director: Charles Herve-Gruyer.
Cast: Henriette Baker, Francois Beaussier, Guenaelle Carton, Nicholas de la Brosse, Tatiana Herve-Gruyer, Charlotte Houset, Helene Nicholas, Emmanuel Maillard, Eneour Puill-Stephan, Myriam Rigolot,  Emilie Sage, Pierre Thiriet.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Download Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas.
Амазония: приключения молодых морских репортёров / Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.
 Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.
Амазония: приключения молодых морских репортёров / Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.

Амазония: приключения молодых морских репортёров / Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.
Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.