Sunday, September 30, 2018

Borgere av i morgen. 1950.

Borgere av i morgen. 1950.
 NO. Film om Oslos folkeskoler. Historisk blikk på Oslos første skoler, elevtallets utvikling og videre hvordan en moderne skole av 1950 setter elevene i fokus.
Produsert for Oslo kinematografer.
Filmen ble digitalisert som del av et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Oslo byarkiv og NFI/Filmarkivet Nasjonalbiblioteket.
EN. Film about Oslo's primary schools. Historic view of Oslo's first schools, the development of the pupils and further how a modern school of 1950 puts students in focus.
Director:Erik Løchen.
Norway, 1950.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Borgere av i morgen 1950.
Borgere av i morgen. 1950.
Borgere av i morgen. 1950.

Det gror mellom steinene. 1949.

Det gror mellom steinene. 1949.
 NO. En film om Oslos parker. Vi er innom Studenterlunden, Stensparken, Slottsparken, Frognerparken med Vigelands barneferge, St. Hanshaugen og Botanisk Hage på Tøyen. Vi ser endel av den nye given for å gi Oslo en ansiktsløftning: "nybrottsområdene" i Iladalen og på Torshov, med saueprosjekter, konserter og friluftsteater for barn.
Produsert for Oslo kinematografer.
Filmen ble digitalisert som del av et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Oslo byarkiv og NFI/Filmarkivet Nasjonalbiblioteket.
EN. A film about Oslo's parks. We are at Studenterlunden, Stensparken, Slottsparken, Frognerparken with Vigeland's children's ferry, St. Hanshaugen and Botanical Garden on Tøyen. We see some of the new given to give Oslo a facelift: "The Breakthrough Areas" in Iladalen and Torshov, with sheep projects, concerts and open air theater for children.
Director: Ulf Greber.
Norway, 1949.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Det gror mellom steinene. 1949.
Det gror mellom steinene. 1949.
Det gror mellom steinene. 1949.

Barn av byen. 1950.

Barn av byen. 1950.
NO. Om Oslo Kommunes barnevernsarbeid.
Solskinnsbilder fra div. barnehjem, bl.a. fra tuberkolosehjemmet i Åkebergveien, Ths.Heftyes legats barnehjem, Fagerholm, Breidablikk, og feriekolonier på Slagen ved Åsgårdstrand.
Produsert for Oslo kinematografer.
Filmen ble digitalisert som del av et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Oslo byarkiv og NFI/Filmarkivet Nasjonalbiblioteket.
EN. About Oslo municipality's child welfare work.
Sunshine images from div. orphanage, including from the tuberculosis home in Åkebergveien, Ths.Heftyes legat orphanage, Fagerholm, Breidablikk, and holiday colonies at Slagen by Åsgårdstrand.
Director: S. Maartmann-Moe.
Norway, 1950.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Barn av byen. 1950.
Barn av byen. 1950.
Barn av byen. 1950.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Mormor og de åtte ungene / Grandma and the eight kids. 2013.

Mormor og de åtte ungene / Grandma and the eight kids. 2013.
 NO. Mormor og de åtte ungene er en norsk musikal og barnefilm fra 2013. Filmen er regissert av Lisa Marie Gamlem. Marit Opsahl Grefberg spiller hovedrollen som Mormor.
Mormor og de åtte ungene er historien om Mona på 7 år og familien hennes som får overrakselsesbesøk av Mormor som i all hemmelighet har reist fra gamlehjemmet. Så blir familiens lastebil borte - og sammen legger Mona og Mormor ut på tur i byen, på jakt etter tyven.
Mormor og de åtte ungene er inspirert av Anne Cath Vestlys populære barnebøker med samme navn. FIlmen er laget som en musikal og skuespillerne synger flere låter i filmen. Komponistene Kate Havnevik, Stein Johan Grieg Halvorsen, Eyvind Andreas Skeie og Nils Petter Mørland skrev alle låtene til filmen. Nils Petter Mørland skrev sang tekstene. Sangene ble spilt inn med Stavanger Symfoniorkester og utgitt på CD i forkant av filmen. Musikken ble nominert til Kanonprisen.
Filmen hadde et budsjett på drøyt 10 millioner kroner.
EN. Mormor og de åtte ungene (Grandma and the eight kids) is the story of Mona, 7 years, and her family that gets a surprise visit from Grandma, who secretly have traveled to the city from the old home. The family of almost eight kids lives in a small one-room apartment. The family truck gets stolen, and Mona and her Grandmother takes it upon themselves to recover the truck from the thief.
Director: Lisa Marie Gamlem.
Cast: Marit Opsahl Grefberg, Petronella Nygaard, Hedda Kanutte Grytten, Ada Elektra Grytten, Emma Spetalen Magnusson, Frida Hellen, Amund W. Blakstvedt, Arnold E.V. Granqvist, Ella Eunike Gihlemoen, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Marianne Mørk Larsen.
Norway, 2013.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Dutch, Norwegian.
Download Mormor og de åtte ungene / Grandma and the eight kids.
Mormor og de åtte ungene / Grandma and the eight kids. 2013.
Mormor og de åtte ungene / Grandma and the eight kids. 2013.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ballet, Sweat and Tears. 2013.

Ballet, Sweat and Tears. 2013.
 The painful journey from young hopeful to prima ballerina.
Every mother bringing her child to the Academy believes she will be an accomplished ballet dancer. You've raised your child and gone through all the trouble to hand her over, but at best she's going to dance at the back row of Corps de Ballet. Mothers wince when they hear that. Ballerinas are very graceful when they step, but that makes them very miserable because of the pain they suffer from. Sacrifices have to be made. Training is a very stressful experience. Exams and rehearsals are a never ending process. Evaluations are stressful as well. The child is nervous because she doesn't know if her performance is good enough to be accepted. If she is turned down her self-esteem suffers. You have to be very strong mentally and physically to face up to the challenge. If you are turned down, you don't need to give up on everything. There are many up and coming dancers in the theater. Everybody is given the opportunity to dance, but sometimes some of them have plenty of work.
Director: Alexander Avilov.
Cast: Timur Askerov, Lyudmila Kovaleva, Evgenia Savkina, Oksana Skorik, Diana Vishneva.
Russia, RT Documentary, 2013.
Language: English.
Download Ballet, Sweat and Tears. 2013.
Ballet, Sweat and Tears. 2013.
Ballet, Sweat and Tears. 2013.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Dance of the Little Swans. 2016.

Dance of the Little Swans. 2016.

Thousands of dancers apply every year for admittance into the Vaganova Ballet Academy but only a few make it in because it’s difficult and it’s gruesome. But then again, nobody expects the life of a ballet dancer to be easy. They are placed on a strict diet for life and they spend long hours practicing and training from a very young age.  Basically, those who decide to follow that road, have to give up parts of their childhood.
Many young girls dream of becoming ballerinas, but very few are fully prepared to undertake the all-out effort and make the sacrifices that the dream demands. The famous Vaganova Ballet Academy in St.Petersburg welcomes the most talented and determined young dancers, but it makes them no promises.
Director: Alyona Simikina.
Russia, "RT" ANO "TV-NOVOSTI", 2016.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Dance of the Little Swans. 2016.
Dance of the Little Swans. 2016.
Dance of the Little Swans. 2016.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Badhuset. 1989. HD.

Badhuset. 1989. HD.
 A better version of this film is found!
NO. Badhuset er en svensk kortfilm fra 1989 regissert av Marcelo V. Racana. Manus er basert på en novelle av P.C. Jersilds som ble publisert i novellesamlingen Gåspennan (1983). Filmen ble innspilt på Lidingö av Håkan Holmberg.
Fortellingen utspiller seg på et småsted i Sverige under annen verdenskrig, og handler om en gutt som blir kjent med tre piker omtrent på hans egen alder. En dag oppdager han at et ungt par sniker seg inn i et gammelt og falleferdig badehus, og han bestemmer seg for å fortelle de nye vennene sine om dette. Da ungene kommer frem til badehuset, foreslår den eldste piken at de skal stenge paret inne og true dem med at de ikke slipper ut før de «gjør det» og lar ungene se på fra utsiden.
EN. Set in the WWII era, the story tells of a boy in a small village who befriends three girls around his age. One day he discovers a young couple sneaking into an old and cracked bathing shack and decides to alert his new friends. When the kids join up at the shack, the eldest girl comes up with the idea to lock the couple inside, threatening not to let them out until they "do it" and allow the kids to watch from the outside. And so begins the psychological warfare...
Director: Marcelo V. Racana.
Cast: David Blom, Sara Alström, Maria von Bredow, Johan H:son Kjellgren, Lena Nilsson, Anne Lindberg, Jan Abramson, Thomas Roos, Anna von Bredow, Cecilia Drott.
Sweden, Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet, Sveriges Television AB TV2, Dramatiska Institutet, 1989.
Language: Swedish.
1024x576 HD
Download Badhuset. 1989. HD.
Badhuset. 1989. HD.
Badhuset. 1989. HD.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Recommendation for Mercy / Teenage Psycho Killer. 1975.

Recommendation for Mercy / Teenage Psycho Killer. 1975.
Canadian writer/director Murray Markowitz based his film Recommendation for Mercy on a true story. Andrew Skidd plays a teenaged boy accused of raping and murdering a young girl. The flimsy evidence is offered by three of Skidd's buddies and by one of the friends of the dead girl. The boy is strongarmed and drugged by the police who hope to extract a confession. Despite the civil-liberty outrages inflicted upon Skidd, he is found guilty. Recommendation for Mercy does not ask us to forgive the boy his alleged crimes; rather, it is a plea for a reassessment of the treatment afforded Canadian juvenile offenders.
Director: Murray Markowitz.
Cast: Andrew Skidd, Robb Judd, Mike Upmalis, Karen Martin, Michelle Fansett, James Millington, Barry Belchamber, Tom Brennan, Henry Cohen, William K. Koski, Michael Lambert.
Canada, 1975.
Language: English.
Download Recommendation for Mercy / Teenage Psycho Killer. 1975.
Recommendation for Mercy / Teenage Psycho Killer. 1975.
Recommendation for Mercy / Teenage Psycho Killer. 1975.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Neatmenu tavo veido / Ne pomnyu litsa tvoyevo. 1988.

Neatmenu tavo veido / Ne pomnyu litsa tvoyevo. 1988.
 LT. „Neatmenu tavo veido“ – 1988 m. Lietuvos kino studijoje sukurtas meninis filmas jaunimui. Socialinė drama.
Jie susipažino vaikų širdies ligų sanatorijoje. Jai – 13 metų, jam – 14. Netikėtai ir liūdnai prasideda pirmosios meilės istorija. Bet tėvai ir pedagogai nutarė jiems padėti ir „apsaugoti“ nuo pavojingo ir abiem tariamai nereikalingo jausmo.
EN. Story about teenage love in sanatorium. Leta, a girl with a heart disease, and Saulius, a new boy in sanatorium, fall in love with each other, but doctors try to forbid young people feelings.
Director: Raimundas Banionis.
Cast: Inna Rosenaite, Lukas Zilis, Dalia Melenaite, Linas Paugis, Albinas Keleris, Eleonora Korisnaite, Augustas Savialis, Gabija Jaraminaite, Audrone Marcinkeviciute, Gediminas Karka.
USSR, Lietuvos Kinostudija, 1988.
Language: Lithuanian.
Download Neatmenu tavo veido / Ne pomnyu litsa tvoyevo. 1988.
Neatmenu tavo veido / Ne pomnyu litsa tvoyevo. 1988.
Neatmenu tavo veido / Ne pomnyu litsa tvoyevo. 1988.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Údolí krásných žab. 1973.

Údolí krásných žab. 1973.
 Patnáctiletá Jana má strávit část prázdnin na letním táboře, na který se jí ale vůbec nechce, protože se poprvé zamilovala do hezkého Jindry. Je úplně jiný než kluci od nich ze třídy a moc si s ním rozumí. Jenže rodiče odjíždějí se zájezdem k moři, a tak dívka musí nakonec odjet. Soutěže ji nebaví, hlídku má v dešti, pak si sedne do mraveniště a ještě svému družstvu znemožní vyhrát. S vedoucím a ostatními dětmi odmítá spolupracovat. Protože jí Jindra nepíše a je z toho stále víc nešťastná, tak se pokusí o útěk. Využije příležitost k seznámení s místním chlapcem s motorkou a přemluví ho, aby ji odvezl na autobus domů. Jenže jsou zastaveni a kontrolováni policistou a Jana se musí jen v plavkách potupně vrátit do tábora. Cestou v lijáku nastydne, a když ji vedoucí tábora Viky najde, má horečku. Na několik dní skončí na marodce a obává se, že ji pošlou domů. Dostává však poslední šanci - může zůstat na táboře. A tak všechno nakonec dopadlo úplně jinak, než si naplánovala.
Director: Jiří Hanibal.
Cast: Milada Vnuková, Jiří Vala, Míla Myslíková, Vítězslav Jandák, Eduard Žemla, Zuzana Fišerová-Svátková, Lenka Horáková, Ivan Pokorný, Jana Kulendová, Lenka Fišerová, Miloš Drahota, Radim Mahdal, Miloš Šikola, Lucie Domesová, Otakar Brousek ml., Zuzana Zeithamlová, Jana Marková, Jiří Lír, Hana Jelínková, Václav Kotva, Jan Krafka, Zdeněk Skalický, Jiřina Bílá, Miroslav Krejča, Oldřich Lukeš, Milan Dufek, Antonín Hájek, Mirek Řihošek, Jan Vančura, Jiří Veisser, Oldřich Velen, Jana Čiháková.
Czechoslovakia, 1973. 

Údolí krásných žab. 1973.

Údolí krásných žab. 1973.
Údolí krásných žab. 1973.

Afrodita. 1993.

Афродита / Afrodita.
 1. Jedenáctiletý Michal Ronec žije po smrti matky s otcem - řidičem náklaďáku, který je často na cestách. Ani ve škole to Michal nemá jednoduché, spolužáci jsou k němu nepřátelští. Michal se seznámí s chlapem jménem Vojta, který se svým koněm Afroditou rozváží po městě pečivo. Rozvine se přátelství mezi chlapcem a mužem a také mezi chlapcem a koněm. Spolužáci, kteří se snaží Michalovi ztrpčovat život, se však nevzdávají a chystají se k úderu.
Jde o slovenský film pro děti a mládež, natáčení ovšem probíhalo v Mikulově na jižní Moravě
2. Filmový príbeh nielen o priateľstve chlapca a koňa, ale aj o hodnotách charakteru i hľadaní porozumenia medzi deťmi, dospelými a všade okolo nás.
Director: Lubomir Kocka.
Cast: Dominik Mysak, Marcela Fuksova, Bohdan Krnac, Vladislav Zaborsky, Ondrej Pavelka.
Slovakia, 1993.
Language: Slovak.
Афродита / Afrodita. 1993.
Afrodita. 1993.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.

A better version of this movie in HD has been found.
DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.

A Balinese Family. 1952.

A Balinese Family. 1952.
 Another anthropological film by Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson that is part of their series "Character Formation in Different Cultures"; a study of a Balinese family showing the way in which father and mother treat the three younger children - the lap baby, the knee baby, and the child nurse.
Director: Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson.
USA, 1952.
Language: English.
Download A Balinese Family.
A Balinese Family. 1952.
A Balinese Family. 1952.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Floodhouse. 2003.

Дом на воде / Floodhouse. 2003.
 Two girls are sent to live in the Australian bush with their hippy father. As they gradually bond, a stranger arrives from a town called Paradise.
Young Mara (Victoria Thaine) leaves behind the city and life living with her grandmother, and heads to a remote shack on the edge of a river, where she is to begin a new life with her father (Robert Menzies) and her younger sister. Mara's father is a bit of an odd man; one of his first sentences to her after her arrival is to warn her that sitting in such a fashion as she is will give her a chill in her vagina. Indeed.
Aside from Mara's father, her little sister, who is somewhat there as comic relief, knows far too many four letter words for someone her age, and her mother (Catherine McClements), who lives elsewhere, but who Mara visits, walks around without any top on.
Director: Miro Bilbrough.
Cast: Victoria Thaine, Robert Menzies, Catherine McClements, Brendan Cowell, Amber Lee Hynes, Michael Piccirilli, Jacek Koman, Frank Whitten.
Australia, 2003.
Language: English.
Subtitles: German.
Download Floodhouse.
Дом на воде / Floodhouse. 2003.
Floodhouse. 2003.

Karlovarští poníci. 1971.

Пони из Карловых Вар / Karlovarští poníci. 1971.
 CZ. Desetiletá Angelika tráví prázdniny se svým otcem v Karlových Varech. Otec Bachman je německý průmyslník, který ve Varech absolvuje lázeňskou léčbu. Angelika volný čas, kdy je otec na procedurách, tráví v hotelu pod dohledem laskavé recepční Vlasty. Jednoho dne se dívka seznámí se čtrnáctiletým Kájou. Konečně má nějakou zábavu. Bachman si je vědom, že dceru zanedbává, a když se jí zeptá, co by chtěla, dozví se, že poníka. Navštíví starého cirkusáka Vondráčka, který měl kdysi drezúru poníků, ale ten se nechce posledního koně vzdát. Zajedou i do pražské ZOO, ale ani tam nepochodí.Děti dají do novin inzerát a nakonec uspějí. Děda Hlavatý přivede poníka Bořivoje, který se Angelice na první podled zalíbí. Rodinka odjíždí zpět na neřátelský kapitalistický Západ, ale v přívěsném vozíku s nimi cestuje i Bořivoj.
EN. Angelika, a ten years old daughter of a spa visitor Bachmann is terribly bored in Karlovy Vary spa. Her father enjoys different spa procedures, trying to lose some weight, but the little girl feels to be only waiting for something to enjoy. Moreover, she cannot speak any Czech unlike her father. Kaja, a son of the hotel receptionist Vlasta, attempts to amuse her despite he cannot speak German. Both children make friends although there is the language barrier.
Director: Jiří Hanibal.
Cast: Barbara Land, Vladimír Zátka, Karolina Slunéčková, Horst Thomas, Jiří Hálek, Vladimír Hlavatý, Vladimír Jedenáctík, Zdeněk Kryzánek, Ela Šilarová, Zdeněk Tůma, Antonín Zacpal, Jiří Hartman, Jiří Lír, Josef Šebek, Heidi Henkel, Karel Karas, Zdeněk Procházka, Milan Řepa, Miluše Řepová, Libuše Zátková, František Hájek, František Šilha, Josef Šilha, Karel Šilha, Ladislav Šilha,Libuše Šilhová, Zdena Dančíková, Vladimír Navrátil, Táňa Václavová, Ladislava Tchamundjiová-Nováková, Liliana Stanglerová, Ivetta Stanglerová, Zdeněk Šilha.
Czechoslovakia, 1971.
Language: Czech.
Download Karlovarští poníci.
Пони из Карловых Вар / Karlovarští poníci. 1971.
Karlovarští poníci. 1971.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Eno nakano bokuno mura / Village of Dreams. 1996.

Eno nakano bokuno mura / Village of Dreams. 1996.
JP. 『絵の中のぼくの村』(えのなかのぼくのむら)は、田島征三の自伝的エッセイ。また、それを原作とした映画作品。映画『絵の中のぼくの村』は1996年、第46回ベルリン国際映画祭で銀熊賞(Silver Bear for an outstanding single achievement)を受賞。
EN. Village of Dreams (絵の中のぼくの村 E no naka no boku no mura) is a 1996 Japanese drama film directed by Yōichi Higashi. It is the story of two Japanese twin brothers growing up in post-war rural Japan. The film won the Silver Bear for an outstanding single achievement at the 46th Berlin International Film Festival.[
Tells of the childhood of nine-year-old twins in a rural village in Japan after World War 2. Includes the boys' relationships with their schoolteacher mother, civil servant father, elderly landlord, a rough new boy at the school, and three mysterious spirits in the form of old women.
Director: Yôichi Higashi.
Cast: Mieko Harada, Keigo Matsuyama, Shogo Matsuyama, Kyôzô Nagatsuka, Kaneko Iwasaki, Hôsei Komatsu, Tokuko Sugiyama, Kôichi Ueda.
Japan, 1996.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Eno nakano bokuno mura / Village of Dreams.
Eno nakano bokuno mura / Village of Dreams. 1996.
Eno nakano bokuno mura / Village of Dreams. 1996.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.

Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.
 "El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates.
A beautiful, poetic movie regarding the tormented existence of young inmates in Argentinian's juvenile jails, more or less during dictatorship rule. The young "pollo" escapes from one male-directed prison only to be recaptured and sent to another one, led by women. In spite of the warden's ferocity and sadism, he manages to tie a relationship with the only female that seems to care for the kids, who is eventually discovered and punished. The film discloses the rueful sadic behaviour of adults, priests included, against the stray cats, and the magic of human relationships that mild in these desperate situations. Though it seems that from Argentina we only get movies about fascist and concentration-camp like prisons, of course this reflects the dramatic recent history. A praise for the little actors, especially the one playing "Lupini" is great.
Director: Javier Torre.
Cast: Norma Aleandro, Federico Luppi, Jorge Mayor, Isabel Quinteros, Lidia Catalano, Sara Benitez, Miguel Dedovich, Pompeyo Audivert, Julio Suarez, Andres Tiengo, Julio Arrieta, Eduardo Saucedo.
Argentina, Spain, 1991.
Language: Spanish.
Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.
Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Eugenie. Historia de una perversión / Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie. 1980.

Eugenie. Historia de una perversión / Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie. 1980.
 ES. Eugenie, hija única y caprichosa de un rico diplomátivo, se pasea de discoteca en discoteca y de playa en playa, luciendo su joven y esplendoroso cuerpo. Su padre, ha sido destinado a España y ha alquilado una lujosa villa junto al mar. Eugenie siente una adoración increible por su padre, sentimiento correspondido. En la villa de esta familia aparece Alba y su hermanastro Alberto, descendientes de la más pervertida nobleza. Alberto se enamora de Eugenie, pero su padre se opone, presintiendo que aquello será un desastre para su hija. Para vencer la oposición, los dos hermanastros urden un plan que les da resultado. Alba se enamora del padre y así consiguen los dos sus deseos.
EN. Eugenie is the capricious daughter of a rich diplomat, living in a seaside resort in Spain. She exhibits her young and splendid body in the beach and night-clubs. She feels an incredible adoration for her father who returns his daughter's passion. Franco impressively delivers themes of eroticism, violence, sadism and nihilism.
NL. Eugenie is de avontuurlijke dochter van een rijke diplomaat die haar dagen doorbrengt in een landhuis in Spanje. 's Nachts verandert ze echter in een heuse vamp die in de Spaanse nachtclubs de mannen het hoofd op hol brengt. Telkens opnieuw kiest ze een andere man en beleeft met hem een opwindend erotisch avontuur.
Director: Jesús Franco.
Cast: Katja Bienert, Mabel Escaño, Antonio Mayans, Lina Romay, Antonio Rebollo, Melo Costa, María del Carmen González, Consuelo Tejera, Patricia Quow, María Encarna Tejera, Maria Luisa Sancho, Antonio Ross.
Spain, 1980.
Language: Spanish.
Download Eugenie. Historia de una perversión / Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie.
Eugenie. Historia de una perversión / Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie. 1980.
Eugenie. Historia de una perversión / Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie. 1980.

Lolita am Scheideweg. 1980.
 Found a better quality version of this film, its German version "Lolita am Scheideweg". It differs by the presence of a few cut scenes and an acceptable video quality.
Die junge Eugenie genießt das Leben in einer Finca an der spanischen Küste. Sie feierte in Nacht-Clubs und zeigt sich gern nackt am Strand. Eines Tages taucht ein ausgezehrter Playboy in dem Ort auf und begibt sich auf die Suche nach einer jungen Dame. Schnell fällt Eugenie ihm auf und die beiden beginnen eine abenteuerliche Liebesbeziehung miteinander. Diese wächst sich allerdings schnelle zu einem Spiel um Unterwerfung und Sadismus aus.
Format : AVI / 768x576
Duration : 71 min
File Size : 1250 MB
Download Lolita am Scheideweg.
Lolita am Scheideweg. 1980.
Lolita am Scheideweg. 1980.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Anthology of short films. Part 56.

Anthology of short films. Part 56.
 Continuation of the anthology of the best short films in the world, the 56th issue of the collection of shorts is published. Today there will be no information about the content of mini-films for there are a lot of them today, as many as 13 pieces, and I'm just too lazy, but here there is something to see)).
1. Zabawka. 2013.
2. Ezequiel y la galga María. 2014.
3. Lila. 2015.
4. Pierwsze. 2015.
5. Korotkiy roman o lyubvi / A short love story. 2018.
6. Suspended. 2012.
7. Daniël. 2012.
8. Quiero. 2012.
9. Eclipse. 2014.
10. Marc Jacobs. 2014.
11. Boy. 2004.
12. Bubeník Cerveného kríza / The Little Drummer. 1977.
13. Top 10 Youngest Moms Of All Time.
To be continued...
Download Anthology of short films. Part 56.
Anthology of short films. Part 56.
Anthology of short films. Part 56.
Anthology of short films. Part 56.
Anthology of short films. Part 56.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Patsura. 1976.

Patsura. 1976.
In a small Georgian village shortly after WWI, Patsura, one of 5 orphan children struggling to live independently after the death of their parents, runs away after an altercation about a dress that each covets but only one can wear. Ingratiating herself with a Wedding Party to such a degree, the newlyweds take pity on her and decide to bring her home with them. The question is whether she is willing to endure the separation from her siblings...
Director: L. Lortkipanidze.
Cast: Marina Megvinetukhutsesi, Nino Archvadze, Matina Mikashavidze, Maya Maisuradze, Nino Akhrahadze, Leila Gambashidze, Karlo Sakandelidze.
USSR, 1976.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Patsura. 1976.
Patsura. 1976.
Patsura. 1976.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mishka. 2017.

Mishka. 2017.
Misha tells the story of a conflicted 13-year-old and her grim secrets. In the face of an unsettling reality, Mishka makes an alarming decision in a desperate attempt to revert her childhood self.
Director: Cleo Tellier.
Cast: Matia Jackett, Ray Galletti, Devyn Nekoda, Kiki Hammill, Nicolas Ballarini, Alexandra Bacci, Katie Uhlmann, Hershel Blatt, Austin Macdonald.
Canada, 2017.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Mishka. 2017.
Mishka. 2017.
Mishka. 2017.

Wald der Echos / Forest of Echoes. 2016.

Wald der Echos / Forest of Echoes. 2016.
DE. Frau, die drei leblose Mädchen an einer Lagune im Wald entdeckt, mit der Geschichte dreier Mädchen, die eine leblose junge Frau an derselben Stelle entdecken. Ein Film wie eine Choreographie, in der selbst der Tod wieder etwas Verspieltes erhält.
Thomas Pluch Drehbuchpreis 2016 für kurze oder mittellange Kino-Spielfilme, Bester Kurzspielfilm Diagonale 2016
EN. A teenager, Christina, loses her friends in the forest. Looking for them she finds the bodies of three drowned kids on the shore of a lagoon. On summer holiday, deep in the woods, three kids, cousins, are playing around a lake when they find a drowned young woman drifting in the water. Games, lies and rituals unfolding into a circular time in which death loses its ultimacy. What is real and what is a mirage? Who is dreaming and who is being dreamed?
Director: Maria Luz Olivares Capelle.
Cast: Calista Berger, Christina Kasper, Plaim Katharina, Florian Lang, Kathrin Resetarits, Jasmin Wallner, Patrick Roman Scherer, Jakob Reischl u.a.
Austria, 2016.
Language: German.
1920x1080 HD
Download Wald der Echos / Forest of Echoes. 2016.
Wald der Echos / Forest of Echoes. 2016.
Wald der Echos / Forest of Echoes. 2016.

Friday, September 7, 2018

La ritirata / Retreating. 2009.

La ritirata / Retreating. 2009.
IT. Rosa ha tredici anni.
Ha due fratelli più piccoli Lucia e Dumì.
Ha due genitori che al momento sono assenti.
Ha un compito giornaliero da sbrigare che la madre ha affidato loro.
Questo lo sanno tutti, a partire dai nonni ai quali i fratelli sono stati affidati.
Ma Rosa ha un amore di cui prendersi cura, da proteggere ad ogni costo e questo lo sa solo lei.
Un grande amore, speciale e pericoloso.
Rosa corre, corre a perdifiato attraverso i campi, ogni giorno lo stesso tragitto, sotto il sole cocente, per raggiungere il suo amore, anche solo per poche ore.
Da lei dipende la sua sopravvivenza.
Ma qualcuno la spia e Rosa è costretta ad un gesto estremo.
Lei per salvare lui.
Lui per non compromettere lei.
Nel mondo e tutt’ intorno, la seconda guerra mondiale.
EN. Rosa is thirteen. She has a younger sister, Lucia, and a younger brother, Dumì. At the time of the story her parents are away. She has a daily chore her mother gave her and that everybody knows about, especially her grandparents, to whom she and her brothers have been left. Rosa has a big love that she has to take care of, that she has to protect at any cost, and she is the only one to know about it. It is a love that is special and dangerous. Rosa races through the fields, every day the same path underneath a scorching sun, to reach and stay with her love, even if only for a few hours. His survival depends on her. But someone has been spying on her and she is forced to commit an extreme gesture to save her love. And he has to do the same not to compromise her. World war two is around them and in the rest of the world.
Director: Elisabetta Bernardini.
Cast: Valery Usai, Julian Siravo, Romano Talevi, Federica Dezi, Leonardo Caneva, Patrizio Cigliano, Gabriele Tuccimei.
Italy, 2009.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download La ritirata / Retreating. 2009.
La ritirata / Retreating. 2009.
La ritirata / Retreating. 2009.