Thursday, January 16, 2025

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.
 At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait for their mother to rescue them. Thanks to their mother, the brothers now have a car and enough money to begin their bizarre road trip. Along the way, they encounter a host of people ranging from their unwelcoming sister to a troubled maid and her violent lover. Eventually, they wind up on the doorstep of their father's compound, wherein the three of them are quickly reminded why they are estranged in the first place. Just as the walls are about to close in, their father packs up his brood and takes them on a road trip of his own. They join several militaria enthusiasts in a remote forest where they re-enact actual Vietnam War battles. Once in the "jungle," the three of them revert to hostile tendencies building up to a final confrontation between father and sons, leaving the audience to decide what is real and what is make believe.
Director: Andrew T. Betzer.
Cast: Gabriel Croft, Hale Lytle (Fort Apache), Jay Featherstone, Johnathan Frasier, Sandra L. Hale, Daniel P. Jones, Adrian Lemon, Ali Lynch, Pilisa Mackey, Julie Sokolowski, Josephine Decker.
USA, Andrew T. Betzer Film Production, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.


Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.

Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
PT. Um passeio perto de casa entre irmãos e o pai. Uma saga de amor, ódio, pecado e morte, da casa para o mundo.
EN. A walk close to home between brothers and their father. A saga of love, hate, sin and death, from the home to the world.
Director: Sérgio Borges.
Cast: Ravi Queiroz, Iel Queiroz.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.

Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.
Jacquot de Nantes is a 1991 French drama film directed by Agnès Varda. It was screened out of competition at the 1991 Cannes Film Festival.
The film is a portrait of the making of an artist; recreating the early life of Varda's husband, Jacques Demy, in Occupied France and his interest in the various crafts associated with film making, such as casting, set design, animation and lighting. The fictional sections set in wartime Nantes are matched with brief documentary interludes involving the dying Demy.
Director: Agnès Varda.
Cast: Jacques Demy, Philippe Maron, Edouard Joubeaud, Laurent Monnier, Brigitte De Villepoix, Daniel Dublet, Clément Delaroche, Rody Averty, Hélène Pors, Marie-Sidonie Benoist, Jérémie Bernard, Cédric Michaud, Guillaume Navaud.
France, 1991.
Languages: French, German, English.
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian.
1280x720 HD
Download Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991.
Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.
Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.
Dr. Maximilian Pfeiffer, in his early 40s, divorced, is a judge. He is valued by his colleagues as a correct official and above all as a relentless pursuer of sex offenders. But he himself has a preference for underage girls. Schadewald couple, who has a marriage institute for clients with very special sex wishes plays him a videotape to please him. The video belongs to Marion, their lawyer and one of their clients. On the video her 13-year-old daughter Sandra can also be seen. He begins to take an interest in the teenage girl and steals the love of the mother to approach her. Sandra is pretty, intelligent and self-confident. Of course she likes her mother's new friend. She is fascinated by his dazzling manners, his looks and the authority. During a holiday in Spain, the repressed tendencies of the judge are increasingly gaining the upper hand.
Director: Rainer Boldt.
Cast: Udo Schenk, Janne Drücker, Roswitha Schreiner, Anuk Ens, Michael Greiling, Paul Frielinghaus, Rolf B. Wessels, Marina Krogull, Senta Bonneval, Elke Czischek, Renato Grünig, Maria Scholz.
Germany, 1995.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.
Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.

À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.
I Still Hide To Smoke (in French: À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer) is a 2016 French-Greek-Algerian drama film directed by Rayhana Obermeyer.
Fatima, a strong-minded woman, is the lead masseuse of a hammam in Algiers. This is 1995 and the situation is tense in the capital. The day ahead promises to be hectic for all, and for Fatima in particular. Already, while walking to her place of work, she is the distant witness of a terrorist attack. At the hammam, Fatima should feel better, but the atmosphere proves electric in her small enclosed world, she has great difficulty in maintaining order. All the more as Meriem, a sixteen-year-old pregnant girl comes to take shelter at the hammam. And as irate brother, Mohamed, is after her to cleanse his honor in blood.
Director: Rayhana Obermeyer.
Cast: Hiam Abbass, Fadila Belkebla, Nadia Kaci, Nassima Benchicou, Sarah Layssac, Maymouna, Lina Soualem, Faroudia Amazit, Fethi Galleze, Biyouna, Aliki Kalogirou, Maria Stefanidou.
France, Greece, Algeria, 2016.
Language: Arabic, French.
Subtitles: French, English, Portuguese, Romanian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016.
À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.
À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

 NO. Overgivelse er en norsk TV-film regissert av Per Bronken. Han skrev også manuskriptet, som bygger på Oskar Braatens novelle Overgivelse fra samlingen Tapte slag (1922). Den ble vist i Fjernsynsteatret 20. september 1988.
En gutteflokk, som er pasienter på et tuberkulosesanatorium ved Oslofjorden på 1920-tallet, stiller opp med tapperhet og livsmot i en vanskelig situasjon.
EN. Very rare Norwegian television movie about how difficult it is to reconcile with destiny. A young boy of about thirteen is taken to a sanatorium situated in a remote area alongside a Norwegian fjord. He is not quite certain why he is there, after all he has only some small lumps on his neck and a mark on his arm. He finds himself in the company of other boys who all have similar ailments in various stages of development. They try to make him feel welcome, but he angrily rejects their approaches, believing he isn't one of them and shouldn't be there at all. He plots his escape, building a raft out of driftwood.
Director: Per Bronken.
Cast: Sverre Bentzen, Trine Lossius Borg, Minken Fosheim, Per Gørvell, Lieselotte Holmene, Elias Karlsen, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Henrik Scheele, Anitta Suikkari, Torill Øyen.
Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. 

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.
Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
 Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.
He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter of Chief Ayupu. Watched over by Roberto, the director of the Toa Toari reserve, Nicolas and Ruben, his guide as ridiculous as he is incompetent, settle in the village. In order to get closer to the woman he secretly loves, Nicolas slowly integrates into the villagers’ daily life. After being initiated into local customs, he is made aware of the threat weighing on his new friends and the woman he loves: deforestation.
Ayupu then drags him into their struggle against loggers, responsible for the devastation of the forests that date back to the Palaeozoic era. After several intimidation tactics against Olympio Ferra and his men, Ayupu realizes that Nicolas’s camera is a formidable weapon that could be put to use for their cause.
They leave together for Rio de Janeiro where they hope to be able to impress upon younger generations the danger hanging over their environment and their future.
Nicolas finds the heroic strength to transform his unrequited love for Luacema into a desire to protect her people. This Amazonian adventure gives a meaning to his life and propels him into a fight against ignorance and reckless destruction around the world.
Director: Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.
Cast: Aurélien Wiik, Chief Ayupu, Murilo Elbas, Tapi Iawalapiti, Assalu Mehinaco, Rodrigo Penna, Jose Steimberg, Anna Carolina Vigo, Leo Mehinaco.
France, Brazil, 2004.
Language: English, French, Portuguese, Tupi.
1280x720 HD
Download Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Munted. 2011. HD.

Munted. 2011. HD.

 Innocence and prejudice weave together in a child’s story of betrayal.
Munted is an unusual story about an accusation of pedophilia and its terrible consequences. Set in 1961 in a remote rural community, it tells the story of a ten-year old girl and her friendship with a brain damaged artist. Told through erosions between film and drawing the film is a lyrical and brutal account of the cost of rumour and prejudice.
Set in the early 1960s Munted is an unusual film that tells the story of a mother who returns to retrieve Katrina, her almost feral daughter, from her sister’s farm. When it is evident that her sister is not going to give the child up, the mother’s attention is drawn to the child’s strange relationship with a brain-damaged botanical artist who rents a small cottage on the property.
Across the years of her childhood Katrina has befriended this man.
The artist, who can barely speak, paints delicate if somewhat discordant pictures of the world that surrounds him and it is via these that the story is told. For the first part of the film we are not sure of the safety of their relationship, but following a revelation, we see the cost of rumour on the innocence of their world. As an accusation of pedophilia takes hold the film builds to a dramatic and unforgiving climax.
Director: Welby Ings.
Cast: Ella Edward, Phil Peleton, Tammy Lee, Lise Baldwin, Erroll Shand, Yvonne Stewart, Katrina Ings, Tess Renneberg, Kayla Renneberg, Amy Bridson, Nathaniel Lee, Brian Gordon.
New Zealand, 2011.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Munted. 2011.

Munted. 2011. HD.
Munted. 2011. HD.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988. FULL-HD.

Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988. FULL-HD.
CZ. Hlavní postavou je čtyřicetiletý architekt Jan Kolvara, který sice zapomněl tašku se sportovním oblečením v telefonní budce, ale přesto se z jakéhosi trucu pustí do dálkového pochodu, společně se svým mladším kolegou Robertem, jeho dívkou Eliškou a také svým bývalým kamarádem a současným nadřízeným Crhou a jeho milenkou Vaňkovou. S přibývajícími kilometry se však blíží nejen cíl, kterým je sto ušlapaných kilometrů, ale také řada osobních rozhodnutí a vyřešení Janových pracovních i osobních vztahů nejen k Crhovi, který jemu a Robertovi nabídl vypracování projektu rehabilitačního sanatoria, aby je pak podrazil a prosadil zcela nevyhovující návrh své milenky, ale také k Elišce, která ho nepřestává svádět a manželce Madle, jejichž vztah má daleko do někdejší idylky.
EN. A man gets roped into participating in a 100 kilometer walk and along the way meets a number of interesting characters as well as has a number of flashbacks regarding his family and friends.
Uncensored version.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Karel Heřmánek, Soňa Valentová, Miroslava Pleštilová, Zuzana Geislerová, Alena Kreuzmannová, Oldřich Vlach, Antonín Procházka, Ivan Vyskočil, Václav Babka, Blanka Lormanová, Ladislav Gerendáš, Karel Hábl, Vladimír Salač, Lena Birková, Ivan Řezáč, Michal Krb, Petr Skarke, Adolf Kohuth, Markéta Světlíková, Dana Syslová, Slávka Hamouzová, Eliška Nejedlá.
Czechoslovakia, 1987.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988.
Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988. FULL-HD.
Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988. FULL-HD.


Children In Cinema. Part-92.

Children In Cinema. Part-92.
 The fresh issue of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Ninety Two. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1996-2023. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
Almost all of these movies are presents on this site and available for download.
Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
Enjoy watching!
즐겁게 시청하세요!
16 clips.
Download Children In Cinema. Part-92.
Children In Cinema. Part-92.
Children In Cinema. Part-92.

Full collection of clips from featuring films and documentaries with the
participation of young actors "Children in Cinema" is available on this Forum.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Systemsprenger / System Crasher. 2019. FULL-HD.

Systemsprenger / System Crasher. 2019. FULL-HD.
She is small, but dangerous. Wherever Benni ends up, she is immediately expelled. The wild 9-year-old girl has already become what child protection services call a "system crasher". And she is certainly not looking to change her ways. Because Benni has one single goal: to be back at home with her mommy. But Bianca is scared of her own daughter. Mrs Bafané from child protection services is trying her best to find a permanent placement for Benni. She hires the anger management trainer Micha as Benni's school escort and suddenly there is a seed of hope. Will Micha be able to succeed where all others despaired?
Director: Nora Fingscheidt.
Cast: Helena Zengel, Albrecht Schuch, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Lisa Hagmeister, Melanie Straub, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Maryam Zaree, Tedros Teclebrhan, Matthias Brenner.
Germany, 2019.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Systemsprenger / System Crasher. 2019.
Systemsprenger / System Crasher. 2019. FULL-HD.
Systemsprenger / System Crasher. 2019. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.

Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.
The coming of age genre gets reimagined in this astonishing drama about a family in crisis. Simon Baker stars as the attentive single father of twelve-year-old Blaze (played by Julia Savage), who goes off the rails after experiencing trauma. Colorful, creative sequences bring us into our heroine’s psyche, as she channels and explores her depression, anger, and grief, looking for an appropriate way to express herself. Baker excels as the patriarch who is all too aware of society’s shortcomings and keen to protect and support his daughter’s burgeoning identity. It’s a cathartic, cleverly crafted film about a survivor, that delights the senses by fusing fantastical sequences with the authentic reality of the female lived experience. Award-winning Australian artist Del Kathryn Barton makes an extraordinary directorial debut with this powerhouse drama of a girl’s journey into womanhood.
Director: Del Kathryn Barton.
Cast: Simon Baker, Yael Stone, Josh Lawson, Remy Hii, Morgan Davies, Will McDonald, Heather Mitchell, John Waters, Julia Savage, Emily Teede, Kristy Wordsworth, Rebecca Massey, Stephen James King.
Australia, 2022.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Blaze. 2022.
Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.
Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.

Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.
Blaze. 2022. FULL-HD.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.

Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.
Andre has died under mysterious circumstances leaving behind his wife and two daughters. The youngest daughter desperately tries to fit in with the other adolescent girls in her new school while her older sister finds a lover for the first time : a man much too old for her. Meanwhile, their mother is preoccupied with paying their bills. She does not see that her family is in danger of drifting so far apart that they may never find each other again. Dérive is a deeply empathetic portrait of these women's odyssey from frailty to resilience.
Director: David Uloth.
Cast: Emilie Bierre, Réal Bossé, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Estelle Fournier, Frédéric-Antoine Guimond, Miro Lacasse, Éléonore Loiselle, Isabelle Nélisse, Danielle Proulx.
Canada, 2018.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018.

Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.
Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.

P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.
Whilst growing up in rural Thailand, a young orphan girl is taught the ways of magic by her grandmother. But when grandmother falls sick, Dau is lured to Bangkok to find work so that she can buy medicine. She finds herself working in a go-go bar, and her journey from naiveté to maturity is swift. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage, but in doing so makes enemies within the bar. As her magic gets darker, and the consequences increasingly horrific, she gradually loses control, and something evil takes over.
Director: Paul Spurrier.
Cast: Suangporn Jaturaphut, Opal, Dor Yodrak, Narisara Sairatanee, Amy Siriya, Supatra Roongsawang, Ramida Kitcharoensophon, Pisamai Pakdeevijit, Pattanachat Sritep, Kochakorn Wongkitisopon, Paul Spurrier.
Thailand, UK, 2005.
Language: Thai.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download P / The Possessed. 2005.
P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.
P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.

P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.
P / The Possessed. 2005. FULL-HD.



Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.

Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.
«Gotta always somehow make good outta what can poison you.»
Hounddog is a 2007 coming-of-age drama film written, directed, and produced by Deborah Kampmeier and starring Dakota Fanning, Isabelle Fuhrman, Robin Wright Penn, and Piper Laurie, among others. It is also Isabelle Fuhrman's debut film. Penn also serves as an executive producer. The film was produced by Raye Dowell, Jen Gatien, and Terry Leonard. It premiered in competition at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, and was given a limited release in 11 North American theaters on September 19, 2008.
Shot near Wilmington, North Carolina and taking place in the late 1950s rural Alabama, the film stars Fanning as Lewellen, "a troubled 12-year-old girl who finds solace from an abusive life through music of Elvis Presley."
The film was panned by critics, due in part to a controversial scene in which Fanning's character is raped. The film was also a box office failure, grossing only $131,961, against an estimated $3.75 million production budget.
A drama set in the American South, where a precocious, troubled girl finds a safe haven in the music and movement of Elvis Presley.
Director: Deborah Kampmeier.
Cast: Dakota Fanning, David Morse, Piper Laurie, Granoldo Frazier, Isabelle Fuhrman, Cody Hanford, Charlie Lucas, Herman McCloud, Chandler McIntyre, Robin Mullins, Afemo Omilami, Tim Parati, Robin Wright.
USA, 2007.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hounddog. 2007.

Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.
Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.

Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.
Hounddog. 2007. FULL-HD.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Marangmotxíngmo mïrang - Das crianças Ikpeng para o mundo. 2001.

Marangmotxíngmo mïrang - Das crianças Ikpeng para o mundo. 2001.
PT. Quatro crianças Ikpeng apresentam sua aldeia respondendo à vídeo-carta das crianças da Sierra Maestra em Cuba. Com graça e leveza, elas mostram suas famílias, suas brincadeiras, suas festas, seu modo de vida. Curiosas em conhecer crianças de outras culturas, elas pedem para que respondam à sua vídeo-carta.
EN. Four Ikpeng children introduce their village answering a video-letter from the children from Sierra Maestra in Cuba. They show their families, their toys, their celebrations, their way of life with grace and lightheartedness. Curious to know about children from other cultures, they ask that their video–letter be answered.
Directors: Karané Txicão, Kumaré Txicão, Natuyu Yuwipo Txicão.
Brazil, 2001.

Language: Português, Ikpeng.
Subtitles: English.
Download Marangmotxíngmo mïrang - Das crianças Ikpeng para o mundo. 2001.
Marangmotxíngmo mïrang - Das crianças Ikpeng para o mundo. 2001.
Marangmotxíngmo mïrang - Das crianças Ikpeng para o mundo. 2001.