Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.

Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.
HU. A Kölyökidő a kilencvenes évek (1989. január 1. – 1997. május) népszerű ifjúsági sorozata, melynek szereplői a nézők szeme előtt nőttek fel, így tudtak hitelesen beszélni a felnőtté válás problémáiról és a kamaszkor megpróbáltatásairól. Tették mindezt sok humorral és öniróniával.
Tükröm, tükröm – Egy tiniszépségverseny eseményeiről szól. Szomorú film.
Virág cseresznyét árul a piacon és véletlenül összeismerkedik Andrással, a fotós fiúval. Ennek eredményeként vele sodródik egy olyan tini szépségverseny mezőnyébe, ahol már minden el van döntve, és mégis.
EN. Kölyökidő (Puppy Time) is a popular youth series from the 1990s (January 1, 1989 to May 1997) whose characters grew up in front of viewers so they could talk authentically about the problems of becoming an adult and the ordeals of adolescence. They did all this with a lot of humor and self-irony.
Episode Tükröm-tükröm (My Mirror, My Mirror) - It’s about the events of a teenage beauty pageant. Sad movie.
Director: Takács Vera.
Cast: Acél Réka, Bárdos Éva, Benedek Csaba, Galambos Lilla, Gieler Csaba, Herceg Csilla, ifj. Horváth Károly, ifj. Elek Ottó, Szekeres Nóra.
Hungary, 1994.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.
Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.
Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.


The Bathers. 2003.

The Bathers. 2003.
Set in the late 19th or early 20th century, the film opens with three upper class women and a little girl picnicing on a deserted beach. The little girl begins playing around and eventually strips to her underwear. The women tollerate this as she is only young, but eventually she pushes the boundaries by removing her underwear and swimming naked in the water. The women watch her for quite sometime, as the weather gets hotter the women secretly envy the girl. The eldest of the three women, eventually giving into temptation, strips naked and goes swimming with the little girl. The two younger women continue to watch, the younger of the two begins stripping but the older one stops her. Eventually the younger woman runs away and strips off her clothes and goes swimming with the other two. The third, and obviously most conservative of the three, watches for a while before giving into temptation. She strips naked and swims with the two other women and the little girl. The film ends with the four of them frolicking naked in the water.
Director: Elissa Down.
Cast: Ellen Cressey, Latonya Csont, Bobbie Salmon, Georgia Salmon, Rhonda Ellen Cressey.
Australia, 2003.
Language: English.
Download The Bathers. 2003. 

The Bathers. 2003.
The Bathers. 2003.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

La bouche de Jean-Pierre / Jean-Pierre's Mouth. 1996. FULL-HD.

La bouche de Jean-Pierre / Jean-Pierre's Mouth. 1996. FULL-HD.
La Bouche de Jean-Pierre is a 1996 French drama film directed by Lucile Hadžihalilović. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival.
Modern-day France. One night, teenager Mimi helplessly watches her mother try to commit suicide. As she slowly recovers in hospital her aunt, Solange who is in her mid-sixties takes the little girl to her house. So as not to disturb things in the apartment, she puts her in a corner near the door behind curtains. But, from the first night on, her sleep is disturbed by the arrival of Solange's middle-aged boyfriend, Jean-Pierre who finds himself shamefully attracted to the tender little girl.
Director: Lucile Hadžihalilović.
Cast: Sandra Sammartino, Denise Aron-Schropfer, Michel Trillot, Delphine Allange, Jacques Gallo, Françoise Pironneau, Lois Da Silva, John Milko, Mustafa Hadžihalilović.
France, 1996.
Language French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La bouche de Jean-Pierre / Jean-Pierre's Mouth. 1996.
La bouche de Jean-Pierre / Jean-Pierre's Mouth. 1996. FULL-HD.
La bouche de Jean-Pierre / Jean-Pierre's Mouth. 1996. FULL-HD.


Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.

Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.
 IT. Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua è un film documentario diretto da Stelvio Massi.
Il film si propone come seguito di Mondo cane e Mondo cane 2, seguendo il filone cinematografico dei Mondo movie.
Stelvio Massi nel 1988 realizzò il seguito Mondo cane 2000 - L'incredibile.
Le immagini, realizzate in presa diretta, ci mostrano scene di sesso, mutilazioni, droga e morti, cercando di far trasparire la realtà nella sua interezza e lasciando allo spettatore il compito di giudicare.
EN. A new age Mondo film that explores the realm of urban decay and various oddities of the modern world, ranging from underground club scenes to sex change operations.
Typically narrated in a racist and sexist fashion, it starts by first showing different women around the world doing certain strange acts for common reasons. Other cultural oddities are observed, such as Hindu men jumping into a well to show their bravery, before moving on to government officials performing an autopsy to prove there are drugs hidden in the body. Cultural aphrodisiacs are shown, most involving killing animals in some way. Eventually, after an introduction of female impersonators, a graphic sex change operation is shown in bloody detail, and finally begins to wrap up with forbidden tattooing in Japan, and more acts of "bravery" as men chop their own fingers off. A mondo-obscurity that is, like always, not for the faint of heart.
The name "Mondo cane" hadn't been used for a Mondo film since Mondo cane n. 2 (1963). This film incorporated the title in order to cash in on Собачий мир (1962)'s notoriety, and is therefore known as Mondo Cane 3 in some video releases.
Director: Stelvio Massi (as Max Steel).
Writer: Gino Capone.
Italy, 1985.
Language: Russian (Italian).
Download DVD Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985.
Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.
Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.
Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.
Mondo cane oggi - L'orrore continua / Savage World Today. 1985. DVD.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Emily la princesse... 2005. HD.

Emily la princesse... 2005. HD.
C'est le cri d'amour désespéré d'une gamine de onze ans. Incapable de révolte face à la violence psychologique de ses parents, Émily se réfugie dans son monde imaginaire.
Director: Catherine Wilkening.
Cast: Lubna Gourion, Marianne Viard, Marc Chapiteau.
France, 2005.
Language: French.
1920x1080 HD
Download Emily la princesse... 2005.
Emily la princesse... 2005. HD.
Emily la princesse... 2005. HD.


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Alicia. 1994.

Alicia. 1994.
After her first menstruation, Alicia is kidnapped and led by fly-men to a dirty and unhealthy underworld ruled by a disgusting being.
"Alicia" was Jaume Balagueró's first short film. He later went on to direct masterpieces like "Darkness" (with an all-star international cast, including Academy Award winner Anna Paquin) or "Los sin nombre" (which won 15 international awards and starred Emma Vilarasau). Some critics already compare him to Andrei Tarkovsky.
This film, shot in black and white, is pretty much all about atmosphere. It has all it needs to be scary; it's dark, moody, pensive, aggressive and beautiful in a very obscure kind of way. Unfortunately, "Alicia" lacks a real plot, or a message. The surreal images, beautifully filmed and edited, are intriguing and are unforgettable, but it requires a lot of energy and time to perceive a real plot behind them.
A fantastic movie, only nine minutes long, enjoyable for everyone with a sense for dark and scary movies.
Director: Jaume Balagueró.
Cast: Danae, Ana Luna, Elena Luna, Pedro Antonio Segura, Daniel Montblanc.
Spain, 1994.
Language: Spanish, English.
Download Alicia. 1994.
Alicia. 1994.
Alicia. 1994.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Het Debuut / The debut. 1977. FULL-HD.

Het Debuut / The debut. 1977. FULL-HD.
NL. Het debuut is een Nederlandse film uit 1977 onder regie van Nouchka van Brakel. Het is een verfilming van het boek Het debuut van Hester Albach en tot filmscenario verwerkt door Carel Donck en Nouchka van Brakel. De film heeft als internationale titel The Debut.
Nouchka van Brakel, die hiermee haar debuut maakte evenals hoofdrolspelers Gerard Cox en Marina de Graaf, zou als eerste vrouwelijke regisseur de boeken in gaan van de Nederlandse film.
De 14-jarige Carolien krijgt een relatie met de 41-jarige Hugo, een vriend van haar ouders die vanuit Zambia op kerstvakantie is in Nederland. De twee spreken af op geheime locaties zoals in hotels. De relatie loopt uit op een drama als de vrouw van Hugo, Rita, zwanger wordt, en Hugo zijn relatie voor Carolien niet wil verbreken. Carolien reageert op een laconieke manier, dat ze makkelijk zonder Hugo kan. Op school wordt ze echter voor ouwe vrijster uitgemaakt en uit emotie knoopt ze het aan met de versierder van de school, waardoor ze depressief wordt. Uiteindelijk komt het goed nadat Hugo vertrokken is naar Afrika.
EN. A 14 year old girl and a 41 year old friend of her father's fall in love, and soon their relationship grows into a sexual one as well. For some time all is happy, but then the tension grows too much, because of the secrecy and frustration of being the lover of a married man, and because she feels he starts to treat her too much like a child instead of a lover.
Writers: Nouchka van Brakel, Carel Donck, Hester Albach.
Director: Nouchka van Brakel.
Cast: Marina de Graaf, Gerard Cox, Pleuni Touw, Kitty Courbois, Dolf de Vries, Sandrien Van Brakel, Joop Keesmaat, Simone Ettekoven, Daco de la Bretonnière.
Netherlands, 1977.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Het Debuut / The debut. 1977:
2 parts archive:

Het Debuut / The debut. 1977. FULL-HD.
Het Debuut / The debut. 1977. FULL-HD.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.

L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.
Water Child (French: L'Enfant d'eau) is a Canadian drama film, directed by Robert Ménard and released in 1995. The film stars David La Haye as Émile, a mentally handicapped young adult who survives a plane crash, finding himself on an otherwise deserted island with Cendrine (Marie-France Monette), a teenage girl.
The film's cast also includes Gilbert Sicotte, Danielle Proulx and Monique Spaziani.
The film received two Genie Award nominations at the 16th Genie Awards: Best Actor (La Haye) and Best Original Score (Richard Grégoire). La Haye won the award for Best Actor.
A small plane crashes in the Caribbean, leaving only two survivors: a precocious teenage girl and a simple-minded grown-up. They end up on a desert island, with no inhabitants and no rescue in sight, and split. Then, a friendship bond develops between the two. The teenager, realizing she may not live long enough to see this experience, and the grown-up, never faced with this reality, soon fall in love
Director: Robert Ménard.
Cast: David La Haye, Marie-France Monette, Gilbert Sicotte, Danielle Proulx, Monique Spaziani, Michel Charette, Matthew Dupuis, Manon Gauthier, Pierre Pinchiaroli.
Canada, 1995.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.
L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.
L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.

Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.
 IT. La giovanissima Bilitis lascia il collegio e la sua amichetta "particolare" per andare a trascorrere le vacanze presso la ricca Melissa e il di lei rozzo marito Pierre. Qui la ragazzina riprenderà i suoi giochi saffici malgrado la presenza di un giovane fotografo di cui è innamorata. Il soggetto è tratto malamente da una raccolta di poemetti in prosa del francese Pierre Louys.
FR. La découverte de l'amour et des plaisirs d'une jeune pensionnaire d'école privée, au travers l'objectif du photographe Lucas.
EN. The story takes place in England around the beginning of the 20th Century. Sensually exploring a young schoolgirl's awakening to love during her summer vacation. The young girl, Bilitis, is shocked when she witnesses her friend Melissa and her husband making love. Melissa encourages Bilitis to discover the aspect of love by seeing a young photographer, Lucas. He tries to make love to Bilitis, and she rebuffs him and runs to Melissa, who in comforting Bilitis finds herself responding to her kisses. But she tells Bilitis there must be nothing more between them. Bilitis discovers Melissa's husband is with another woman, so she decides to find another man for Melissa. Doing so Bilitis is realising she is not yet ready herself for adulthood. The English photographer David Hamilton has achieved unusual visual beauty in making his first motion picture enhanced by the music of Francis Lai.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Patti D'Arbanville, Mona Kristensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Gilles Kohler, Mathieu Carrière, Irka Bochenko, Jacqueline Fontaine, Marie-Thérèse Caumont, Germaine Delbat, Madeleine Damien, Camille Larivière, Catherine Leprince, Mirella Rancelot.
France, Italy, 1977.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bilitis. 1977:
4 parts archive:
Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.
 Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.

Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982. FULL-HD.

Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982. FULL-HD.
 ES. Chispita (Macarena Camacho) es una niña andaluza, dotada de una voz prodigiosa, cuya madre acaba de fallecer. Pronto descubre, sin embargo, que en realidad era adoptada. Decide entonces encontrar a su verdadera madre, y en esa aventura será ayudada por sus nuevos amigos, los niños Puñe (Miguel Joven) y Tazo (Miguel Ángel Valero).
EN. Chispita is a girl who has lost her mother in an accident. Shortly after she learns that she was actually adopted. With the help of her friends Tazo and Puñe, she decides to run away to find her true biological mother since her adoptive father and new stepmother do not treat her well.
Director: Luis María Delgado.
Cast: Macarena Camacho, Miguel Ángel Valero, Miguel Joven, Eva León, Julián Navarro, Javier De Campos, Alfonso Godá, Maruja Recio, José Morales, Emilio Fornet, María Luisa Rubio, Román Ariznavarreta .
Spain, 1982.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982.
Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982. FULL-HD.
Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982. FULL-HD.



Friday, June 4, 2021

Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981. FULL-HD.

Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981. FULL-HD.
ES. Los Parchís contra el inventor invisible es una película de Argentina filmada en Eastmancolor dirigida por Mario Sabato según su propio guion escrito en colaboración con Víctor Proncet que se estrenó el 9 de julio de 1981 y que tuvo como actores principales a Los Parchís, Julio de Grazia y Javier Portales.
El grupo Parchís llega a Buenos Aires para realizar sus actuaciones en un circo. En el aeropuerto una banda de delincuentes están esperando a un grupo de personas que llevan en su poder la fórmula secreta que convierte en invisible a quien la acciona. Llegan Los Parchís con un colgante similar al que tiene que llevar la persona que está esperando la banda y los confunden, saliendo en su persecución para tratar de secuestrarlos. A partir de allí, transcurre una interminable serie de emocionantes aventuras plenas de alegría, música y diversión.
EN. With catchy melodies and colorful lyrics in tow, the Spanish-singing kids group, the Parchís, face a scientist bent on creating an invisibility formula.
Director: Mario Sábato.
Cast: Tino Fernández, Óscar Cañada, David Muñoz, Yolanda Ventura, Gemma Termes Prat, Julio De Grazia, Javier Portales, Carlos Del Burgo, Adrián Ferrario, Roberto Carnaghi, Raúl Florido, Juan Carlos Ricci.
Argentina, 1981.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981.
Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981. FULL-HD.
Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981. FULL-HD.