Friday, August 30, 2019

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.
 FR. Hannah et Violetta forment un couple hors du commun : mère insaisissable et fillette en quête d’amour maternel, artiste fantasque et modèle malgré elle. Lorsqu’Hannah demande à sa fille si elle veut être son modèle, tout bascule dans la vie de Violetta qu
EN. My Little Princess is a 2011 French-Romanian drama film directed by Eva Ionesco and inspired by her relationship with her mother, the well-known artistic photographer Irina Ionesco whose pictures of her young daughter caused controversy when they were published back in the 1970s. The film illustrates a situation which at first glance seems to be a paradox: whilst revealing more and more of her daughter to the public the mother seems to get increasingly estranged from her and vice versa.
Violetta is raised by her grandmother. Her mother Hanna tries to make a living on taking photographs and concentrates on her dreams to become a famous artist. In order to succeed as an artist she doesn't worry about dating men of questionable reputation. Only every now and then her mother visits her daughter but during these occasions it occurs to her that her daughter could be a potential model. She starts exploiting her daughter who by transforming into a kind of Lolita becomes increasingly alienated from other children of her age. At school she is eventually frequently insulted and rejected. Then Mamie dies and Hannah's photographs are about to unequivocally overstep the line of acceptability. Hanna even coerces Violetta mercilessly into cooperation by withholding her food in case she doesn't agree to pose for increasingly daring photographs.
Director: Eva Ionesco.
Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Anamaria Vartolomei, Georgetta Leahu, Denis Lavant, Jethro Cave, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Pascal Bongard, Anne Benoît, Johanna Degris-Agogue, Lou Lesage, Nicolas Maury, Joe Sheridan.
France, 2011.
Language: French, English, Romanian, Dutch.
Subtitles: French, English, Dutch.
Download DVD My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011.
My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.
My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.
ES: Cuando Valeria decide dejar de tocar el piano, sale a la luz un secreto que rompe la armonía familiar.
EN: Valeria's family is all love and harmony. However - when Valeria decides to terminate her piano lessons- a secret comes to light- and everything inside the family starts convulsing in an atonal tragedy...
Director: Miguel Salgado.
Cast: Mariana Beyer, Sophie Gómez, Guillermo Larrea, Meraqui Pradis.
Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.
Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.
Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

Mrkáček Čiko. 1982.

Моргун Чико / Mrkacek Ciko. 1982.
 Za přezdívkou Mrkáček se skrývá chlapec, jehož rodiče se právě vrátili z Jižní Ameriky. Mrkáček Čiko je maminkou hýčkaný, nervózně mrkající chlapec, zneurotizovaný přecivilizovaným prostředím a po návratu z ciziny se těžko zařazující do všedního života. Až za pomoci svých nových kamarádů objevuje krásný svět přírody, odhaluje tajemné kořeny života dávné minulosti a konečně se cítí volným, přirozeně a štastným. Zbavuje se dokonce i svých neurotických projevů.
Director: Vera Plivova - Simkova, Drahomira Renakova - Kralova.
Cast:  Filip Menzel, Michal Nesvadba, Marcela Peňázová, Vít Olmer, Marie Málková, Pavel Nový, Ivan Vyskočil, Václav Helšus, Jiří Prýmek, Michaela Bendová, Jan Kreidl, Hana Houbová, Jakub Štěpán, Pamela Kneschková, Gabriela Bešťáková.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Czech.
Download Mrkáček Čiko.
Моргун Чико / Mrkacek Ciko. 1982.
Mrkáček Čiko. 1982.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mords pas, on t'aime / Beiss nicht, man liebt dich. 1976.

Mords pas, on t'aime / Beiss nicht, man liebt dich. 1976.
Der 10-jährige Frédéric verbringt zusammen mit seiner gleichaltrigen Freundin Rose einige schöne Ferientage in einem kleinen französischen Ort. Dort lebt er bei seinen Großeltern. Sein Vater kümmert sich nur sehr selten um den Jungen. Frédéric und Rose machen das, was alle Kinder gerne machen. Sie hecken Streiche aus. So entwenden sie ein Schild aus der Kirche, auf dem auf einen heiligen Brunnen hingewiesen wird, in dem Touristen Münzen an die Heilige opfern. Sie bringen das Schild an einem See an, so dass die Touristen denken, dort wäre die heilige Quelle. Nachdem die Touristen wieder weg sind, baden die beiden nackt in dem See, und tauchen nach den reingeworfenen Münzen. In der Zwischenzeit entwendet der Opa von Frédéric ihre Kleider. Daher müssen beide nackt zurück ins Dorf laufen. Frédéric ist darüber so erbost, dass er vorgibt, sich vom Dach zu stürzen. In Wirklichkeit wollte er nur die Erwachsenen ärgern.
Das gemeinsame Nacktbad kommt vor allem beim Vater von Rose überhaupt nicht gut an. Und so entschließt sich dieser, Rose in eine reine Mädchenschule zu bringen, die von Nonnen geleitet wird. In dieser Schule sind Besuche strengstens untersagt. Nur nach dem Sportunterricht gelingt es Frédéric an Rose heranzukommen. Die Umkleideräume liegen in einem Flachdachbau. Durch eine Dachluke kann er mit Rose sprechen, während diese gerade am Duschen ist. Sie vereinbaren, sich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu treffen.
Director: Yves Allegret.
Cast: Sylviane Bessy - Rose, Yves Coudray - Frederic, Bernard Fresson, Catherine Allegret, Jean-Pierre Darras, Annette Poivre, Micheline Presle, Fred Personne, Tonie Marshall, Yves Robert, Daniel Colas, Sarah Sterling, Jean-Marc Therin, Therese Clay.
France, 1976.
Language: German, Russian.
Mords pas, on t'aime / Beiss nicht, man liebt dich. 1976.
Mords pas, on t'aime / Beiss nicht, man liebt dich. 1976.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň! 1979.

Не оглядывайся, за нами лошадь! / Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň! 1979.
 CZ. Hrdiny filmu scenáristy Zdeňka Mahlera a režiséra Jiřího Hanibala jsou jedenáctiletá dvojčata Petr a Pavel, kteří své touze po motokáře obětují veškerou energii. Poctivě sbírají starý papír, aby získali co nejvíce losů do soutěže, v níž je motokára první cenou. Vůbec nepochybují o svém vítězství. Místo motokáry však vyhrají koně. Oni i jejich rodiče prožijí s nezvyklou výhrou uprostřed velkoměsta mnoho trampot, než se podaří dát všechno do pořádku…
EN. Postwoman Mrs Skorepa, her husband the ambulance driver Mr Skorepa and their eleven-year-old twins Petr and Pavel live in Prague in Malá Strana (Lesser Town), one of the Prague's historical and oldest quarters. The boys are crazy about cars and everything linked to them. They don't share their father's love of classical music. On the other hand, they are crazy about the newly announced scrap yard competition for paper collection. The lottery tickets awarded for every ten kilograms of old paper collected could win them a go-kart.
Director: Jiří Hanibal.
Cast: Jan Potměšil, Kamil Roedl, Milena Dvorská, Jan Faltýnek, Jana Švandová, Ladislav Mrkvička, Petra Dvořáková, Zora Vesecká, Jan Jetmar, Berenika Novotná, Karel Koloušek, Jiří Bruder, Věra Koktová, Jiří Petkov, Dáša Neblechová, Iva Hüttnerová, Antonín Jedlička, Marie Štichová, Michal Truxa, Zdeňka Čortová, Ludvík Faruga, Miroslava Janoušková, Karel Karas, Rudolf Kupka, Zdeněk Piskač, Václav Podobský, Miloš Šustr, Dagmar Žáčková, Jana Žáčková, Jiří Fejfar, Josef Suk, Věra Špinarová, Václav Štekl.
Czechoslovakia, 1979.
Language: Czech.
Download Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň!
Не оглядывайся, за нами лошадь! / Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň! 1979.
Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň! 1979.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.
 DE. Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten. Dann aber kommt die “schlechte” Nachricht: Marco soll für eine Zeit in ein Ferienlager ins Erzgebirge fahren. Was ist nun mit den schönen Vorhaben der beiden?
Um in dieser Hinsicht nicht alles über Bord werfen zu müssen und gemeinsame Abenteuer erleben zu können, überredet Marco seinen Freund, ihn mit Pferd und Wagen von zu Hause bis zum Ferienlager zu begleiten - das Ganze natürlich auf Umwegen, versteht sich! Und in der Weise beginnen die beiden Jungen dann eine interessante, abenteuerliche Expedition. Alles verläuft dann aber nicht ganz ohne kleine “Wehehchen” , so dass sie ziemlich lädiert im Ferienlager eintreffen. Als sie sehen, wie vielfältig das Lagerleben ist, ärgern sie sich, nicht schon früher eingetroffen zu sein.
EN. Now the summer holidays have finally arrived. Marco (Tobias Blume) and Tobi (René Hahn) have forged ahead many plans, which are from their point of view, the entire eight weeks vacation according to varied and form under boys. But then comes the "bad" news: Marco should drive for a time in a summer camp in the Erzgebirge. What about the beautiful plans of the two?
Director: Karl-Heinz Bahls.
Cast: Tobias Blume, René Hahn, Heinz Hupfer.
DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1988.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 71.

Anthology of short films. Part 71.
Another, this time very small, issue of Anthology of short films number 71, only 3 mini-films including a rare Soviet documentary.
1. Khushi / Happiness. 2012.
Child Safety Film.
Director: Sumeet Sahu.
India, 2012.
1280x720 HD
2. Bajo el sol. 2012.
ES. Un gran mito en un contexto tropical. La exuberancia y la belleza como entorno. Dos hermanos gemelos, de apenas seis años de edad, escenifican una bíblica historia de envidia fraternal que aún sigue vigente.
EN. An extract of myth in a tropical context. Exuberance and beauty are the surroundings. Two twin brothers, only six years old, portray a biblical story of fraternal envy that is still current today.
Director: Arcadi Palerm.
Cast: Iveth Gonzalez, Iñaki Gonzalez, Pablo Gonzalez.
Mexico, 2012.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
3. Deti tsirka / Circus children. 1977.
Soviet documentary. Children of circus artists, will they want to connect their life with the circus? And if they fail, and these tears, falls and bruises are in vain? About preparing for his first performance in Krasnodar and the first steps of young artists in the big arena.
Director: Vadim Grunin.
USSR, Ekran, 1977.
Language: Russian.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 71.
Anthology of short films. Part 71.
Anthology of short films. Part 71.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 70.

Anthology of short films. Part 70.
 The new issue of Anthology of short films number 70, today there are 7 minifilms.
1. Antychryst. 2002.
Four boys act out games in a nearly barren landscape near a mining excavation where blasting is going on. The oldest, Szafran, is their leader. When he gets into a frenzy, so do the others: running barefoot through thistles, rubbing dirt in their hair, catching fish barehanded. Szafran says he is the Antichrist and gives orders. Are these games or something else?
Director: Adam Guzinski.
Cast: Dariusz Maciuk, Marcin Zaluski, Tomasz Szczesniak, Wlodzimierz Przadkiewicz.
Poland, 2002.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: Russian. 2016.
2. Le dieu Bigorne / The Mighty Bigorne. 2016.
Holidays are almost over for Vinca and Jeremy, both 7. They are in love and Vinca can not stand that Jeremy is soon leaving her. To hold him back she knows she can count on the tremendous power of the Mighty Bigorne, who haunts the nearby forest.
Director: Benjamin Papin.
Cast: Ninotchka Peretjatko, Rayan Rabia, Ania Svetovaya, Arthur Harari, Ayana Fuentes Uno.
France, 2016.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. Komm und spiel / Come and Play. 2013.
Berlin. Grisha, a Russian-German boy, fools around with a toy-gun. The longer he plays, the further he is thrust into an altered reality. The boundaries between the present and the past start to blur. Images from a bygone Berlin appear; streets and buildings still carry the memories of war. Suddenly, he is caught in a nightmare of another lifetime.
Director: Daria Belova.
Cast: Alexander Josef Shtol, Maria Zharkova, Julia Gorr, Roman Sdobnyakov.
Germany, 2013.
Language: Russian, German.
1280x720 HD
4. Hollands børn. 1946.
Et rystende dokument om det ødelagte Holland, hvorfra vi følger en bilkonvoj med børn, der er inviteret til Danmark af Red Barnet.
Director: Poul Bang.
Denmark, 1946.
960x720 HD
5. The Strange and Eerie Memoirs of Billy Wuthergloom. 2012.
The Eerie Memoirs of Billy Wuthergloom is a humorous coming of age story chronicling a boy's journey through adolescence. Tortured by childhood monsters, Billy enlists the help of outcast Hirskill Fischmascher. Billy's attempts at a normal childhood are constantly interrupted by supernatural forces. At times both humorous and scary, much like childhood, Billy Wuthergloom is a spooky and heartwarming tale of what happens when you turn out the lights.
Director: David Antoniuk.
Cast: Jake Goodman, Peter DaCunha, Kristina Pesic, Drew Davis.
Canada, 2012.
Language: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Rhabarber Boy. 2007.
The film Rhabarber Boy (rhubarb boy) describes the life of a boy, living in a forest without the influences of civilization. He is keeping an old comic-collage in his cottage and is trying to understand the colorful and figurative images of this icon. The film is setting a fantasy-world in relation to the archaic nature of a child, and raises the question about the moral responsibility of virtual content.
Director: Ulu Braun.
Cast: Anton Vogt.
Germany, 2007.
7. A Daughter of the Gods. 1916.
Slideshow consisting of frames of a lost movie by Herbert Brenon "A Daughter of the Gods".
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 70.
Anthology of short films. Part 70.
Anthology of short films. Part 70.
Anthology of short films. Part 70.
Anthology of short films. Part 70.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Elvis! Elvis! 1976.

Elvis! Elvis! 1976.
 Elvis! Elvis! is a 1976 Swedish drama film directed by Kay Pollak. It was entered into the 10th Moscow International Film Festival.
Tale of a boy, roughly eight, who experiences a number of problems due to his estranged relationship with his mother. Mom wants her little boy to be someone other than who he is; junior is stubborn, fights back. Can these two find a common ground before the ending credits roll?
Director: Kay Pollak.
Cast: Lele Dorazio, Lena-Pia Bernhardsson, Fred Gunnarsson, Elisaveta, Allan Edwall, Kent Andersson, Victoria Grant, Kim Anderzon, Kjerstin Dellert, Lars Edström.
Sweden, 1976.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Elvis! Elvis! 1976.
Elvis! Elvis! 1976.
Elvis! Elvis! 1976.

A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013. HD.

A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013. HD.
 HU. A film a második világháború idején egy határszéli faluban a nagymamájuknál nevelkedő és a könyörtelen világban túlélni igyekvő ikerpár megrázó története. A gyerekeknek egyedül kell megtanulniuk mindent, ami a túléléshez szükséges. Magányosan, éhezve és fázva vezetik naplójukat a nagy füzetbe. Följegyzik, mit láttak, mit hallottak, mit tettek, mit tanultak. Ugyan életben maradnak, de szívük megkeményedik, testük megedződik. A nagy füzet posztmodern háborúellenes dráma, nagyhatású parabola arról, milyen pusztító hatással van a háború a gyermeki pszichére.
A film Kristóf Ágota, magyar származású Svájcban élő író művéből készült.
A film öt nemzetközi díjai között a legrangosabbak a Karlovy Vary Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál (2013) Kristály Glóbusz díja Szász Jánosnak, és a Chicago-i Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál díja Molnár Piroska színésznőnek.
EN. The Notebook (Hungarian: A nagy füzet) is a 2013 Hungarian drama film directed by János Szász.
The Nazis have invaded Hungary and war is raging in the main cities. To avoid it, a woman leaves her thirteen-year-old twin boys at their grandmother's place in the countryside. The children don't know their grandmother, a dirty, miserly, and mean old woman who barely allows them inside the house. Left to their own devices, the two children learn to cope with hunger, the cold, and the everyday cruelty in a devastated country. To protect themselves, the twins reject all moral codes and values and instead take their lessons from the evil around them in order to try to survive. The siblings studiously note, as objectively as possible, their discoveries and their burgeoning knowledge in a notebook.
Director: János Szász.
Cast: László Gyémánt, András Gyémánt, Piroska Molnár, Ulrich Thomsen, Ulrich Matthes, Gyöngyvér Bognár, Sabin Tambrea, Péter Andorai, Diána Magdolna Kiss, Orsolya Tóth, János Derzsi.
Hungary, Germany, Austria, France, 2013.
Language: Hungarian, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013. HD.
A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013. HD.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Guldregn / Showers of Gold. 1988.

Guldregn / Showers of Gold. 1988.
 DK. Nogle børn finder byttet fra et røveri og kommer alvorlig i fare, da røverne bliver klar over det.
EN. 4 Danish kids find a cookie jar filled with cash while playing in the woods. They decide to keep the money, at least until a reward is offered. But the crooks want "their" money back and will do whatever necessary to accomplish this.
Director: Søren Kragh-Jacobsen.
Cast: Ricki Rasmussen, Tania Frydenberg, Ken Vedsegaard, Nanna Bøndergaard, Torben Jensen, Søren Østergaard, Helle Merete Sørensen, Hans Henrik Clemensen, Jens Okking.
Denmark, 1988.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Download Guldregn / Showers of Gold. 1988.
Guldregn / Showers of Gold. 1988.
Guldregn / Showers of Gold. 1988.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

El día que resistía / The Endless Day. 2018. HD.

El día que resistía / The Endless Day. 2018.
ES. Entre fiestas con caramelos, juegos de escondidas y paseos con su perro Coco, los hermanos Fan (9 años), Tino (7) y Claa (5) disfrutan de la ausencia de sus padres y le dan rienda suelta a la imaginación. Fan lleva sin dificultades la voz cantante, leyéndoles Hansel y Gretel a sus hermanos y advirtiéndoles del riesgo de adentrarse en el bosque que rodea a la misteriosa casa que habitan. De a poco, la libertad da paso a la alienación mientras los padres siguen sin aparecer: los roles de los tres hermanos se ponen en conflicto y la oscuridad que evitaban comienza a avanzar sobre ellos.
EN. Alone in an isolated country house, Fan (9), Tino (7), and Claa (5) wait for their parents to come home. The wait feels endless, the solitude unsettling. Gradually the apparently innocent and playful world of the children transforms as its darker side unfolds. El día que resistía is inspired by the singularity of the childhood experience explored close-up through an unconventional narrative.
Director: Alessia Chiesa.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.
 Když se slunci nedaří je český šestidílný televizní seriál z roku 1995, natočený režisérem Hynkem Bočanem podle scénáře Iva Pelanta.
Šestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří. Autoři seriálu, Eva a Ivo Pelantovi, se záměrně vyhnuli těžkým a beznadějným případům a jejich nemocnici většinou opouštějí uzdravené děti. Přesto se diváci seriálu i v jejich pohodové nemocnici setkají s onemocněními vážnými, v současné dětské populaci relativně častými, jejichž léčení klade na pacienty, ale také na jejich rodiče nemalé nároky. V každém případě je seriálová nemocnice místem důvěry v uzdravení, zejména díky vedoucí lékařce dětského oddělení, doktorce Šnajberkové. Představuje typ lékaře, s nímž bychom se v době onemocnění rádi potkali.
Episode 6. Šnajberková.
V závěru seriálu se budeme věnovat soukromí lékařky a jejích nejbližších. Dcera Markéta se chystá do tanečních a matka objeví podezřelou pihu na jejím břiše. Od chvíle, kdy Markétě pihu odoperují, čeká doktorka Šnajberková na histologický nález a prožívá úzkostné období. Současně také přijímá novou malou pacientku, která si stěžuje na bolesti bříška. Ačkoli jsou všechna vyšetření negativní, Kristýně se z nemocnice nechce. Doktorka Šnajberková však brzy přijde na to, čeho se malá pacientka bojí a jak s tím souvisí krásná panenka Barbie.
Director: Hynek Bočan.
Cast: Dagmar Havlová, Jan Hartl, Klára Issová, Kateřina Janečková, Jakub Zdeněk, Nikol Štíbrová, Vladimír Javorský, Věra Kubánková, Naďa Konvalinková, Barbora Srncová, Ivana Chýlková, Stanislav Zindulka, Jaroslav Satoranský, Lorna Homoláčová-Vančurová, Michal Dlouhý, Lucie Svobodová, Jana Bermanová, Sandra Nováková, Markéta Světlíková, Zdeněk Srstka .
Czech Republic, 1995.
Language: Czech.
1440x1080 HD
Download Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.
 Šestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří. Autoři seriálu, Eva a Ivo Pelantovi, se záměrně vyhnuli těžkým a beznadějným případům a jejich nemocnici většinou opouštějí uzdravené děti. Přesto se diváci seriálu i v jejich pohodové nemocnici setkají s onemocněními vážnými, v současné dětské populaci relativně častými, jejichž léčení klade na pacienty, ale také na jejich rodiče nemalé nároky. V každém případě je seriálová nemocnice místem důvěry v uzdravení, zejména díky vedoucí lékařce dětského oddělení, doktorce Šnajberkové. Představuje typ lékaře, s nímž bychom se v době onemocnění rádi potkali.
Episode 2. Michal.
Michal's parents sent him to the hospital to hopefully overcome his bed wetting problem so that it won't interfere with his tennis playing.
Director: Hynek Bočan.
Cast: Dagmar Havlová, Jakub Zdeněk, Jiří Schmitzer, Simona Stašová, Naďa Konvalinková, Barbora Srncová, Michal Dlouhý, Zdeněk Žák, Blanka Lormanová, Svatopluk Skopal, Stella Zázvorková, Klára Issová, Stanislav Zindulka, Jan Hartl, Jitka Ježková, Jaroslava Brousková, Jan Bonaventura, Jitka Smutná, Miroslav Středa, Valentina Thielová, Oldřich Navrátil, Jitka Asterová, Dana Hlaváčová, Nikol Štíbrová, Vladimír Javorský, Věra Kubánková, Ivana Chýlková.
Czech Republic, 1995.
Language: Czech.
1440x1080 HD
Download Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fortunata / Lucky. 2017. HD.

Fortunata / Lucky. 2017. HD.
 IT. Fortunata (Jasmine Trinca), una giovane madre con un matrimonio fallito alle spalle, quotidianamente combatte per conquistare il suo sogno: aprire un negozio di parrucchiera sfidando il suo destino, nel tentativo di emanciparsi e conquistare la sua indipendenza e il diritto alla felicità.
EN. Fortunata is a 2017 Italian melodrama directed by Sergio Castellitto. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival. At Cannes, Jasmine Trinca won the Un Certain Regard Jury Award for Best Performance.
A destiny to be written in a name. Lucky pursuit happiness with courage, young mother with a failed marriage that she struggles daily to realize and protect her little big dream: open a hairdresser that allows her to enjoy an indispensable independence, enjoying the full gifts and opportunities that her Life knows how to introduce them.
Director: Sergio Castellitto.
Fortunata / Lucky. 2017. HD.
Fortunata / Lucky. 2017. HD.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.

Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.
 Presence of Mind is a 1999 Spanish-American drama film directed by Antoni Aloy. The film is based on the story The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. A woman is hired to watch over two recently orphaned children, Flora and her brother Miles (played by Nilo Mur). The woman starts seeing ghosts and the children begin some very peculiar and disturbing behavior.
Henry James' classic tale of terror, "The Turn of the Screw" receives yet another screen adaptation in this thriller shot in Spain. A young woman (Sadie Frost) is hired to serve as a governess for two children, Miles and Flora (Nilo Mur and Ella Jones). She is hired by their uncle, the Master (Harvey Keitel), who became the guardian of the youngsters after the death of their parents. While the governess is initially enthusiastic about her job, Miles and Flora soon prove to be quite a handful, and the housekeeper Mrs. Grose (Lauren Bacall), who oversees most of the activities at the Master's estate, is openly antagonistic to her. Before long, the governess discovers the house bears a dark secret involving Miss Jessel (Dayne Danika), the previous governess, and Fosc (Agusti Villaronga), the Master's former valet. El Celo was the first feature from Director Antoni Aloy.
Director: Antoni Aloy.
Cast: Sadie Frost, Lauren Bacall, Ella Jones, Nilo Zimmerman, Harvey Keitel, Agustí Villaronga, Dayna Danika, Jude Law, Jack Taylor, Luz Fortuny, María Dulce Roselló.
Spain, USA, 1999.
Language: English, Russian.
Download DVD Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999.
Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.
Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 54.

Anthology of short films. Part 54.
Next, the 54th issue of a collection of shorts from around the world, the most interesting from the area of the short meter. Today in the anthology there are 7 films, feature and documentaries films.
1. Behind the Window. 2011.
A 10-year-old Lebanese boy yearns to get his hands on a second-hand video camera so that he can record a love letter to the older woman who teaches violin in his neighborhood. Watch the lengths he'll go to in quest of his love
Director: Nagham Abboud.
Cast: Ahmad Hajir, Romy Melhem, Kamil El-Masri, Muhammad Sakka.
Lebanon, 2011.
Language: Arabic.
Subtitles: English.
2. Vakáció. 2011.
Dani is home alone during a school holiday. His mother has left him a note, outlining the chores she expects him to do for the day; laundry, cleaning his room, doing the dishes, etc. Not much of a holiday.
Director: Brigitta Bacskai.
Cast: Barnabás Botond Nagy.
Hungary, 2011.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Sotto il mio giardino. 2007.
Marco, a 10-year old boy who has a passion for insects, is convinced that his neighbor has killed his wife and has buried her under his garden, the evidence being a large ant-nest he has been carefully examining for a while. He thus decides to carry out some investigations; he only reveals his thoughts to his little friend, Sara.
Director: Andrea Lodovichetti.
Cast: Stefano Bottone, Alessandra Pellegrino, Massimiliano Amato, Katarzyna Zurakowska.
Italy, 2007.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
Bonus: "Making Of".
4. Sparsh / The Touch. 2017.
This story is based on child molestation. How one mistake of a man, spoils his family life?
Director: Manish Khandelwal, Vijoy Saurrav.
Cast: Akhil Mishra, Sarangi Soni, Akaash Gupta, Sameer Ansari.
India, 2017.
5. Pomogi mne v puti... / Help me on the way. 2018.
Film clip based on the prologue to V.Krapivin's novel "Boats, or" Help me on the way... "".
Director: Daniel Anderson.
Cast: Nikita Tabunshchik, Timofey Kamzolov, Vanya Derevianko, Pasha Kozakov, Vanya Khvostov.
Russia, 2018.
Language: Russian.
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6. Goldi / Gull Pian. 1988.
DE. Evas Mutter liegt im Krankenhaus. Deshalb muss das Mädchen, das viel lieber auf den Namen Goldi hört, solange bei ihrer Tante Greta und deren Tochter Berit bleiben. Neben Tante Greta gibt es noch Tante Esther, die zu Besuch aus Amerika gekommen ist. Die beiden Tanten und Berit machen Eva das Leben schwer. Doch eines Tages hat Goldi endlich den Mut, sich für die schlechte Behandlung zu revanchieren.
EN. A touching tale about a little girl (Eva), her mean cousin (Berit) and her uncaring aunts. Eva's mother is in the hospital and might not make it, and her aunt's aren't exactly making it easy for her. Add the cruelty of her cousin, and you've got an interesting story about how a little girl fights injustice in her own special way.
Director: Staffan Götestam.
Writers: Astrid Lindgren.
Cast: Zara Zetterqvist, Hanna Alström, Ewa Roos, Cecilia Haglund, Mats Bergman.
Sweden, 1988.
Language: German.
7. Growing Up: A New Approach to Sex Education, No. 1. 1971.
 Growing Up is a sex education film for schools, 23 minutes in length, first shown in April 1971, which was made by Dr Martin Cole. It is now available as part of The Joy of Sex Education DVD and was described by one critic as "the most famous and controversial inclusion", and by Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian as the "undoubted masterpiece of this double-DVD set".
At the time of its release it was said to be "the most explicit and frank film ever made for use in schools", and attracted condemnation by Mary Whitehouse, Lord Longford, Margaret Thatcher and members of the Women's Liberation Movement who all, excepting Thatcher, attended the first public screening. Made two years before its earliest public showing, Cole though soon regretted a traditionalist description of gender roles in the film's opening commentary. The function of women was described as "giving birth to children", while it claimed men were "better at giving birth to ideas", a sequence which the Women's Liberation Movement objected to. There was a version of the film shown to Aston University students earlier for feedback prior to the final version being released. It features scenes rather than drawings of naked people, which included intercourse and masturbation. Teachers and pupils gave it positive feedback, but the absence of a discussion of venereal disease (VD) was noted by sympathetic reviewers.
The film triggered a national controversy;"Educationally speaking, it is a rotten film", Whitehouse said after viewing the film, "which makes children no more than animals." Margaret Thatcher, then secretary of state for education who had sent an advisor to view the film, told the House of Commons on 21 April that she was "very perturbed" at the thought of the film being shown in schools and suggested local education authorities consider it "with extreme caution".
After insisting on a screening, the education authority in Birmingham, where Cole lived, banned the film from being shown in the city's schools. There is no record of the film being shown to school children anywhere by the end of 1971, although it was shown to students at Oxford University.
Director: Arnold L. Miller.
Writer: Martin Cole.
Cast: Martin Cole (Narrator).
UK, 1971.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 54.
Anthology of short films. Part 54.
Anthology of short films. Part 54.
Anthology of short films. Part 54.
Anthology of short films. Part 54.

Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.

Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
 DK. Krigernes børn er en dansk ungdomsfilm, som havde premiere den 27 august 1979, instrueret af Ernst Johansen efter Hans Ovesens roman Krigerdrengen Nelo. Den har en spilletid på 89 minutter.
Den handler om at fem unge fra et brutalt og utrygt krigersamfund, som de flygter fra. De kommer til en ø, der virker mere civiliseret, men erfarer, at der også her findes vold og undertrykkelse under den idylliske overflade.
EN. In the 70's, a lot of Danish intellectuals and film-makers had socialist ideas. There were a lot of films, telling about the inhumanity of capitalism. This one is about a group of children fleeing from a cruel stoneage society with violence, exploitation and sexual abuse. The title: Krigernes børn = Children of the warriors. The children make a timetravel and end up in a modern capitalistic society. Which soon turns out to be just as unfair and violent as the stoneage society. It comes to a sort of confrontation, I guess nobody quite understands, whats really happening in this bizarre movie. But the real world turned out even more bizarre than the movie. It could be viewed as irrelevant - but just after the films release, one of the actors, a 15-year old girl, committed suicide, jumping in front of a Copenhagen commuter train. Leaving a note, telling that she was forced to have sex with the director during the film sessions! The director admitted, was jailed and made no more films. And everybody has been trying to forget this film ever since!
Director: Ernst Johansen.
Cast: Janek Lesniak, Søren Hindborg, Lars Frøhling, Susanne Storm, Charlotte Mortensen, Pierre Lindstedt, Bent Warburg, Ove Sprogøe, Ingolf David, Birgitte von Halling-Koch, Jeanette Hultberg, Ove Verner Hansen.
Denmark, 1979.
Language: Danish.
Download Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.

Christa / Swedish Fly Girls. 1971.

Christa / Swedish Fly Girls. 1971.
 Swedish Fly Girls is a 1971 drama film, also known as Christa. The English title is misleading, since the lead character is Danish.
Christa is a 23-year old Danish single mother, who as a stewardess meets many men. While she enjoys her promiscuity and carefree, urban single lifestyle, Christa seeks marriage with a man who will accept both her and her son Rolf, who lives with her parents.
As Christa forms temporary relationships with an Italian businessman (who does not want to be a stepfather), an American artist (who wants an open marriage), and a French conductor (who tells her that he is too dedicated to music to give her what she wants), a private detective follows her. Torben, wealthy and reckless heir to a family fortune and Rolf's father, tried to force Christa to abort their son. He insists to her that she will return to him and secretly builds a library of dossiers on her lovers, while his business empire collapses from overaggressive expansion.
London lawyer Derek is Christa's most serious relationship; she accepts his proposal, and plans to move to Australia with him. Torben threatens to use the dossiers and his greater financial resources to gain custody of Rolf, forcing her to end the engagement. After his last hope for saving his company fails, however, Torben commits suicide in front of Christa. The film ends with Derek, Christa, and Rolf reuniting.
Director: Jack O'Connell.
Cast: Birte Tove, Baard Owe, Clinton Greyn, Daniel Gélin, Paul Rossilli, Cyrus Elias, Inger Stender, Kjeld Jacobsen, Bjørn Puggaard-Müller, Mogens Skot-Hansen.
Denmark, USA, 1971.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
Download Christa / Swedish Fly Girls.
Christa / Swedish Fly Girls. 1971.
Christa / Swedish Fly Girls. 1971.

Correo de guerra. 1972.

Correo de guerra. 1972.
 Strange Spanish short film "Military Mail", one of the first works in the cinema of the famous director Augusto Martínez Torres. I do not know what the film is about, what the author wanted to say with this creative, but it's worth looking at.
Director: Augusto Martínez Torres.
Cast: Laura Bayonas, Lola Salvador, Cecilia Bayonas.
Spain, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
1024x576 HD
Download Correo de guerra. 1972.
Correo de guerra. 1972.
Correo de guerra. 1972.

En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story. 1970.

Шведская история любви / En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story. 1970.
 SE. Filmen skildrar kärleken mellan två ungdomar. Vi får följa hur Annika och Pär träffas, möta deras bakgrund och hemmiljö, mopedgängets tuffhet och Annikas mer kvinnliga värld. Filmen beskriver all osäkerhet, rädsla, ömhet och glädje som de upplever tillsammans. I bakgrunden finns hela tiden föräldrarnas verklighet, Välfärdssveriges förlorade generation. De är bittra och låsta. Deras drömmar om framtiden har gått förlorade i vardagsrutinen med bilverkstan och kylskåpsagenturen.
EN. Two teenagers fall in love over the summer, in spite of cynical and disapproving adults who dismiss their relationship as being nothing but young love.
Director: Roy Andersson.
Cast: Ann-Sofie Kylin, Rolf Sohlman, Anita Lindblom, Bertil Norström, Lennart Tellfelt, Margreth Weivers, Arne Andersson, Maud Backéus, Verner Edberg, Elsie Holm, Gunnar Ossiander.
Sweden, 1970.
Download En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story.
Шведская история любви / En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story. 1970.
En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story. 1970.

The Strange Affair. 1968.

The Strange Affair. 1968.
 The Strange Affair is a 1968 British crime film directed by David Greene and starring Michael York, Jeremy Kemp and Susan George.
Peter Strange (Michael York) is an idealistic young police recruit who gets mixed up with the machinations of the tough and jaded Scotland Yard Detective Sergeant Pierce (Jeremy Kemp). Pierce is trying to arrest a gang for drug smuggling and later murder, but is thwarted respectively by a corrupt colleague and an unconvicing witness. Strange is shocked by finding the dead body of a murdered informant he knew and is himself brutally assaulted. Meanwhile, Strange is having an affair with Frederika (Susan George), a minor who he does not know is part of a pornography ring; her supposed aunt and uncle film and photograph her sexual encounters from behind a one-way mirror. (Susan George was 17 at the time the film was shot.)
Pierce obtains copies of photographs of Strange's sexual encounter with Frederika and threatens to expose him to his superiors, ending his career, unless Strange plants some heroin on one of the gang. Strange reluctantly agrees, despite planning to leave the force anyway, as he is disillusioned by the failure to catch and convict the drugs gang. Pierce's planting of evidence is revealed and he is convicted of perverting the course of justice and jailed.
Director: David Greene.
Cast: Michael York, Jeremy Kemp, George A. Cooper, George Selway, Artro Morris, Richard Pearson, Susan George, Madge Ryan, Jack Watson, Richard Vanstone.
UK, 1968.
Language: English.
Download The Strange Affair. 1968.
The Strange Affair. 1968.
The Strange Affair. 1968.

Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.

Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
 FR. Le Viol d'une jeune fille douce est un film québécois réalisé par Gilles Carle, sorti en 1968. Il met en vedette Julie Lachapelle, Katerine Mousseau et Donald et Daniel Pilon. Produit par Onyx Films, il fut réalisé clandestinement les fins de semaines à l'insu des propriétaires de la société de production, André et Pierre Lamy.
Julie (Julie Lachapelle) est une jeune adulte, artiste-dessinatrice, vivant à Montréal. Avec son ami Tancrède (Jacques Chenail), Julie s'ennuie et trouve qu'il ne lui arrive jamais rien. En visite chez le docteur (Claude Jutra), elle apprend qu'elle est maintenant enceinte. Elle organise une rencontre avec une avorteuse, mais se désiste à la dernière seconde.
Durant sa grossesse, on suit Julie dans son quotidien variant les amants et les amis. Il y a Katerine (Katherine Mousseau), son amie et colocataire, qui la quitte pour son nouvel amant et qui finira par revenir lorsque sa relation se termine. Jacques (Jacques Cohen), son amoureux marocain, qui lui aussi finit par l’abandonner. Ses frères, Gabriel (Donald Pilon), Raphaël (Daniel Pilon) et Joachim (André Gagnon) viendront alors à sa rescousse. Ayant comme objectif de faire tabula rasa des idéaux artistiques de Julie, ils détruisent les objets excentriques de son appartement pour mettre fin à sa vie d’artiste. Ils veulent retrouver le père de l'enfant et lui donner une leçon. Julie, qui ne sait pas qui est le père, forcée à parler par ses frères, improvise : il est français et il conduit une Jaguar bleue. Les Lachapelle Brother, au volant de leur Camaro décapotable, parcourent les routes du Québec à la recherche de ce père supposé, sous le regard indifférent, à peine inquiet de Julie. Sur la route, ils embarquent Marie, une auto-stoppeuse peu bavarde que les frères Lachapelle violeront dans un champ en bordure de route, avant de continuer leur chemin. Arrivés chez le supposé père, Joachim, Gabriel et Raphaël le passent à tabac, sans même expliquer leurs actes.
De retour à Montréal, l'enfant de Julie, nommé Xanthippe, a maintenant deux mois. Elle considère l'option de donner son bébé en adoption, mais encore une fois se désiste après quelques rencontres de parents candidats et se résout à l’élever elle-même, avec son ami Tancrède dans un nouvel appartement qu’elle décore à son goût.
EN. Julie is an 18-year old technical designer living in Montreal. Liberal and carefree, one day she finds herself pregnant as a result of her sexual promiscuity and is unsure who the father is. She meets and falls in love with a Moroccan-born man recently immigrated and moves in with him. She decides upon the course of an illegal abortion but her lover steals the money she saved for it and disappears. Her three brothers, Raphael, Gabriel, and Joachim arrive from the country and seeing her pregnant and not married, they decide that she has been raped and vow to punish the man responsible to reclaim the honor of their family. Julie accompanies them on their mission and watches as her brothers beat up the wrong man and then inexplicably rape a random young girl themselves. Julie is left alone and must decide whether to keep her baby, abandon it, or give it up for adoption.
Director: Gilles Carle.
Cast: Julie Lachapelle, Jacques Cohen, Katerine Mousseau, Daniel Pilon, Donald Pilon, André Gagnon, Jacques Chenail, Suzan Kay, Claude Jutra, Larry Kent.
Canada, 1968.
Language: French
Download Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.

La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
 ES. La guerra de papá es una película española dirigida por Antonio Mercero basada en la novela de Miguel Delibes El príncipe destronado.1​ A pesar del gran éxito obtenido en su estreno por el público, es una obra bastante desconocida en aquellos años al ser categorizada por la prensa como film blanco.​ El interés por toda la actualidad sobre la Transición española, silenció cualquier obra que estuviera al margen de conflictos políticos.
El protagonista es un niño de facciones angelicales interpretado por Lolo García, que hace constantes travesuras en un intento de llamar la atención a sus padres, ya que siente celos de su hermana más pequeña.
Como se estilaba en los años 70 en España se dobló todo el sonido, lo cual produce una desincronización entre los labios de los actores y la voz.
EN. Based on a novel by one of the greater Spanish writers of the XX century (Miguel Delibes), "La Guerra de Papá" (Dad's War)
Spain, March 1964: Quico is a very naughty child of three belonging to a wealthy middle-class family. Since Cristina's birth, he feels he has lost the privileged position of "prince" of the house for his eight months old sister. So, with his brother Juan, who is eight years old and is quite disobedient, spend their time committing prank after prank, causing the resulting anger of his mother, the nanny and the old housemaid. The rest of the family members are two much older brothers, his resigned mother and a retrograde father of authoritarian ideas. But many years have passed, and the civil war that won the despot Don Pablo is simply for their children "Dad's war".
Director: Antonio Mercero.
Cast: Lolo García, Teresa Gimpera, Héctor Alterio, Rosario García Ortega, Vicente Parra, Queta Claver, María Isbert, Eugenio Chacón, Marcos von Wachten, Agustín Navarro.
Spain, José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas S.A., 1977.
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English.
Download La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Anton. 1996.

Anton. 1996.
 DK. 'Anton' er et stærkt og smukt familiedrama.
Antons far, der var jægerpilot, er død i en ulykke. Antons mor har sagt til ham at hans far nu flyver rundt oppe i himlen. Anton har tgaet det meget bogstaveligt og nu er fly alt hvad han går op i.
Faktisk er Anton i gang med at bygge et fly i garagen, så han kan flyve op til sin far.
Filmen får på børns præmisser blandet humor med action og alvor til en historie om venskaber, fjender og den første kærlighed.
EN. Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
Director: Aage Rais-Nordentoft.
Cast: Jacob Krarup, Stig Günther, Sofie Maria Ahlgren, Peder Holm Johansen, Fie Kruse, Sven Ole Schmidt, Kristian Nyholm Schmidt, Jens Albinus, Bjarne Henriksen.
Denmark, 1996.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Download Anton. 1996.
Anton. 1996.
Anton. 1996.