Friday, November 30, 2018

Linksmos istorijos / Merry Tales. 1973.

Linksmos istorijos / Merry Tales. 1973.
 LT. „Linksmos istorijos“ – 1973 m. TSRS Centrinės televizijos užsakymu Lietuvos kino studijoje sukurtas trijų kino novelių rinkinys pagal rusų rašytojo Nikolajaus Nosovo apsakymus. Filmo trukmė – 79 min. Tai buvo pirmasis lietuviškas filmas, kurį užsakė Centrinė televizija.
Rusiškų apsakymų veikėjams suteikti lietuviški vardai, o veiksmas pritaikytas Lietuvai. Filmas pasakoja apie 1970 m. pradžios mokinių gyvenimą. Kino noveles jungia vaikai, renkantys metalo laužą. Novelė „Nenuorama“ – apie mergaitę, kuri pabėgo iš namų ir padeda rinkti metalo laužą moksleiviškam garlaiviui statyti. „Melagėlis“ – apie berniuką, kuris neruošia pamokų, važinėja dviračiu, o tėvams ir mokytojams meluoja, kad renka metalo laužą. „Telefonas“ – apie du berniukus, kurie už surinktą metalo laužą dovanų gauna telefoną ir jį išardo, norėdami sužinoti, kaip jis padarytas.
Directors: Algimantas Kundelis, Gytis Luksas, Stasys Motiejunas.
Cast: Daiva Daujotyte, Aleksejus Denisovas, Arturas Pravylonia, Sergejus Michailovas, Grazina Balandyte, Jonas Pakulis, Eugenija Pleskyte, Steponas Kosmauskas, Gediminas Girdvainis.
USSR, Lietuvos Kinostudija, 1973.
Language: Russian.
Download Linksmos istorijos / Merry Tales. 1973.
Linksmos istorijos / Merry Tales. 1973.
Linksmos istorijos / Merry Tales. 1973.

Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964.

Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964.
Welcome, or No Trespassing (Russian: Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён, translit. Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchyon) is a Soviet movie by Elem Klimov made in 1964. It is a satirical comedy about the excessive restrictions that children face during their vacation in a Young Pioneer camp, imposed by their masters. Most of the actors are children, while the protagonist is the director Dynin, played by Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev. The film was selected to be screened in the Cannes Classics section of the 2015 Cannes Film Festival.
In a Soviet Young Pioneer camp, Dynin, the administrator is afraid that the children may succumb to harmful accidents and that he will be deemed responsible. He believes that accidents happen when formal rules are violated. Hence, he believes, everything must be done strictly according to formal instructions and regulations. One boy, Kostya Inochkin, (Viktor Kosykh) breaks one of the cardinal rules by swimming out alone to an island instead of swimming in the specially designated swimming area, supervised by staff. As a result, Inochkin is expelled from camp and is sent home. Inochkin is afraid that if his grandmother, with whom he lives, discovers that he has been expelled, she will die from sorrow, so instead of going home he returns to camp illegally. He hides but is discovered by some of the other children, who start helping him to stay, outsmarting the adults. Adults are added to the plot later and also oppose Dynin's strict regime. Finally Dynin is removed from office and expelled to the town. The film's final scenes show the joy of freedom without Dynin's restrictions, kids and adults swim and even unrealistically jump over the river (although this is presumably a fantasy). The film also makes jokes about a quip popular in Nikita Khrushchev's time - "corn - queen of fields".
Director: Elem Klimov.
Cast: Evgeniy Evstigneev, Arina Aleynikova, Ilya Rutberg, Lidiya Smirnova, Aleksei Smirnov, Viktor Kosykh, Yuri Bondarenko, Lidiya Volkova, Boris Demb, Sergei Kokoryov, Aleksandr Mashovets.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1964.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
992x720 HD
Download Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964.
Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964.
Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Bratya Komarovy. 1961.

Bratya Komarovy. 1961.
Bratya Komarovy (Komarov Brothers) - a Soviet feature film based on the stories of Yuriy Nagibin "Komarov", "Old Turtle" and "Raging Bull", filmed in 1961 at the film studio "Lenfilm".
Komarov three brothers — a four-year-old kindergarten child, an eight-year-old Vasya, and an eleven-year-old Petya — leave for a whole summer to rest in different places. How many long warm days ahead, filled to the brim with all sorts of - and joyful, and sad - events and wonderful discoveries ... They will have to discover the poetic world of nature full of wonders and surprises, and the world of human relationships.
Director: Anatoli Vekhotko.
Cast: Vladimir Mareyev, Boris Barkhatov, Sergey Rozhnovskiy, Marina Ordanskaya, Inna Makarova, Viktor Khokhryakov, Vera Titova, Ignat Leyrer.
USSR, Lenfilm Studio, 1961.
Language: Russian.
Download Bratya Komarovy. 1961.
Bratya Komarovy. 1961.
Bratya Komarovy. 1961.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Kaplya v more / Waterdrop in the Sea. 1973.

Kaplya v more / Waterdrop in the Sea. 1973.
 Good old Soviet film, lyrical comedy, the story of the first-grader with a pot on his head to the music from the casket "turu tutu tu turu tu turu tutu". Then Vitya met the girl, and realized that it was his destiny. Then he saved his grandmother, helped arrange the theater, learned about our Earth.
Director: Yakov Segel.
Cast: Arina Aleynikova, Zoya Fedorova, Liliana Aleshnikova, Gennadiy Yalovich, Valentina Telegina, Vladimir Ferapontov, Nikolay Gorlov.
USSR, Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1973.
Language: Russian.
Download Kaplya v more / Waterdrop in the Sea. 1973.
Kaplya v more / Waterdrop in the Sea. 1973.
Kaplya v more / Waterdrop in the Sea. 1973.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Land of the Little People / Medinat Hagamadim. 2016.

Land of the Little People / Medinat Hagamadim. 2016.
 Another war has started in Israel. Most men are drafted quickly in service of their country. While all the grownups are busy being worried, four kids play at an old army base, now empty and unused. One day, the kids find two army deserters hiding in their secret playground. Being the sons and a daughter of military officers, the children know only one way to regain their territory – with ruthlessness. The soldiers make a dire mistake and hold their ground. Soon enough, the fight begins. The two soldiers, who sought refuge from the military fighting, find themselves in another war, which turns to be very dangerous and bloody.
Land of the Little People is an ambitious project by Palestinian film producer Tony Copti and Israeli director Yaniv Berman. Political and uncompromising in its social statement, the story touches at the very core of the Israeli inner conflict. Children growing up in a militaristic society with an everlasting war raging in the background know they have to toughen themselves in order to be prepared for when they are called to serve. Now these children are covered with two soldiers’ blood as their own private war rages in the woods while a “real” war rages in the outside world.
Best Feature Film – Boise Film Festival (September 2017).
Best Film and Best Director – Phoenix Film Festival (April 2017).
Best Director (Silver Prometheus) – Tbilisi International Film Festival (November 2016).
4 Nominations – Sanghai International Film Festival (June 2016).
Director: Yaniv Berman.
Cast: Maor Schwitzer, Ofer Hayoun, Nadav David, Nimrod Hochenberg, Meital Paran, Keren Kats, Michael Galansky, Alexandra Mataron, Lauren Lomayer.
Israel, Palestine, 2016.
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Land of the Little People / Medinat Hagamadim. 2016.
Land of the Little People / Medinat Hagamadim. 2016.
Land of the Little People / Medinat Hagamadim. 2016.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.

Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.
 ES. Ocho años después de un cataclismo, la raza humana, de la que sólo ha sobrevivido una de cada diez personas, ha perdido todas sus estructuras sociales. Nuevo proyecto de Iván Noel, parcialmente inspirado en "El señor de las moscas".
EN. What really happens after war or disease eventually wipes out most of humanity? Leaving aside fables of mass zombie invasion, or vigilante groups magically armed with assault weapons: how would humans actually re-group? How would they act when attempting to survive? How indeed would human morality and modern taboos fare in this probable scenario? This daring film will attempt to answer this as realistically as possible, making films like 'Lord of the Flies' look like a family camping trip.
Eight years after a cataclysm and disease ravaged the human race - leaving just one in every ten surviving -, all social structures have crumbled like sand castles. Too few still live for anything to have been reconstructed. All remaining animals have been consumed and no sowing has yet been possible. It is Man at his most basic, destitute level.
Two groups  inhabit the desolate and abandoned land: packs of orphaned children in a feral state, living a nomadic life-style for their safety, and adults (with their offspring), barely surviving any better by living off their meat.
It is a war only the most desperate of the two will win.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: ...
Argentina, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Directors cut, 98 min.
Video 960x540
Download Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. 2017.


Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.
 Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.
A documentary "Behind The Scenes" about the shooting of the new film by Iván Noel "Nine Meals From Chaos". A lot of beautiful natural filming, the director's communication with the actors and the team.
Also there is the teaser for the film.
Language: English.
64 min.
1280x720 HD
Download Behind The Scenes.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.
Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.

Poil de Carotte / The Red Head. 1932, 1925.

Рыжик / Poil de Carotte / The Red Head. 1932,
 The story itself is simple: a young boy is the odd one out. His parents are much older; his mother unmercifully picks on him, favoring his near-adult siblings, while his long-suffering father has withdrawn into the small pleasures of hunting and meeting with friends. Really, it's a sort of Cinderella: the wicked step-mother (only it's his real mother), the vain pampered older siblings, his having to work and slave for them, wearing tattered hand-me-downs. But it's told with a wonderful leisurely anecdotal naturalism, laced with delightful moments of surrealism (he's surrounded by double-exposure goblins when told to close up the hen house at night, for example). The greatest scene in the film combines the two, as the boy and a young girl "rehearse" a marriage ceremony, marching through the fields while the animals about them burst into song. The father, as delineated by Baur, and the maid, also immeasurably enriched by a subtle performance, are marvelous characters. The film was made during that brief period when the French countryside was a pre-technological world, yet technology was sufficiently advanced so that sound films could document that existence. Certainly there are "literary" story telling elements, such as the family being "introduced" by the father, the older maid telling the new maid what to expect, and the boy's school essay about his miserable family life. But the wonderful thing about the film is its ineffable technique and its enigmatic moments that are the purest styleless cinema. There are many visual joys, like the shot of boys playing leap-frog with the town spread out below them, that are presented with simplicity and unostentatious naturalism. All told, this is a film of the highest cinematic art, approaching the level of Renoir and Ozu. Adapted from various stories by Jules Renard, Poil de Carotte (The Red Head) is the poetically related tale of a delicate domestic situation. Robert Lynen plays the young son of Catherine Fourtenay. Fourtenay's husband Harry Baur knows that Lynen is not his son, but remains married for appearances' sake. Baur remains aloof and distant until he discovers the cruelties heaped upon Lynen by his resentful mother. Foster father and son develop a respect and friendship for one another that finally deepens into love. A remake of a 1925 film of the same name (also directed by Julien Duvivier), Poil de Carotte which made a star out of its juvenile lead Robert Lynen, whose genuine red head needed no touching up by the makeup men; sadly, Lynen was killed while fighting with the Resistance during World War II.
Uncut version.
Director: Julien Duvivier.
Cast: Harry Baur, Robert Lynen, Louis Gauthier, Simone Aubry, Maxime Fromiot, Colette Segall, Catherine Fonteney, Christiane Dor, Marthe Marty.
France, 1932.
Language: French.
 Subtitles: English, Russian.
Рыжик / Poil de Carotte / The Red Head. 1932,
 Poil de Carotte / The Red Head. 1932,

Friday, November 23, 2018

Poil de carotte. 2003.

Poil de carotte. 2003.
 FR. Poil de carotte est un téléfilm français réalisé par Richard Bohringer et diffusé pour la première fois le 14 avril 2003 sur TF1.
Benjamin Lepic, dit «Poil de carotte», doit son surnom à la couleur de ses cheveux et à ses taches de rousseur. Sa mère a fait du petit rouquin son bouc émissaire. Quant à son père, il ne s'occupe de ses enfants que le week-end. Conscient du sort réservé à son cadet, M. Lepic convie son fils à une partie de pêche. Mais Mme Lepic ne compte pas laisser Poil de carotte s'en aller aussi facilement...
EN. A good-natured kid struggles to earn his mother's love without much success.
Director: Richard Bohringer.
Cast: Fanny Cottençon, Antoine Nguyen, Richard Bohringer, Jérôme Hardelay, Lou Bohringer, Christopher Boyadji, Constance Dollé, Henri Marteau, Damien Jouillerot.
France, 2003.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, French.
Download Poil de carotte. 2003.
Poil de carotte. 2003.
Poil de carotte. 2003.

Migove v kibritena kutiyka / Moments in a Matchbox. 1979.

Моменты в спичечной коробке / Migove v kibritena kutiyka / Moments in a Matchbox.
 The romantic melodrama about the younger generation of socialist Bulgaria. During the summer holidays, Aneta and Boy, two children from a familiarity families go to the province.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Violeta Doneva, Dossio Dossev, Leda Taseva, Stefan Danailov, Lyuba Aleksieva, Mikhail Mikhajlov, Stefan Kostov, Nadya Todorova, Mimoza Bazova, Dora Staeva, Alexander Pritup.
Bulgaria, Boyana Film, 1979.
Language: Bulgarian.
Download Migove v kibritena kutiyka / Moments in a Matchbox.
Моменты в спичечной коробке / Migove v kibritena kutiyka / Moments in a Matchbox.
Migove v kibritena kutiyka / Moments in a Matchbox.

Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.

Красная вишня / Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.
It is 1940. Chuchu and Luo Xiaoman are Chinese students who have been sent to study in Moscow, at the International School. She is 13; he is 12. Xiaoman is from Yanan, Mao's base after the Long March; Chuchu had seen her father executed by Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang. The youngsters fit in well and learn to speak Russian... A large group of students, including Chuchu, leave for summer camp in Byelorussia accompanied by their teacher, Miss Vera. Xiaoman remains behind... The Nazis invade the Soviet Union. Moscow remains unoccupied. Xiaoman takes a job delivering condolence letters to soldiers' families. At one apartment, he finds a mother has died. Her very young daughter, Nadia, has not realized it... The summer camp is occupied by Germans. Miss Vera is murdered. One of the Russian boys, Carl, is half-German, and helps the others to escape. They are quickly recaptured. Chuchu and several other students are sent by Gen. von Dietrich to work as servants at Nazi headquarters in the Yakovliv Monastery. The general is also a medical doctor with a peculiar hobby, tattooing...
Director: Daying Ye.
Cast: Ke-Yu Guo, Hsiao-Ling Hsu, Vladmill Nizmiroff, Ervant Arzumanyan, Anzhela Belyanskaya, S. Butenko, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Sergey Kulikov, Pavel Ledogorov.
China, 1995.
Language: Russian, Mandarin.
Subtitles: English.
Download Hong ying tao / Red Cherry.
Красная вишня / Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.
 Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.
Красная вишня / Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.
Hong ying tao / Red Cherry. 1995.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bułeczka. 1973.

Булочка / Bułeczka. 1973.
 "Bułeczka" to 8-letnia dziewczynka – sierota, która przyjeżdża do wujostwa do Wrocławia ze wsi, gdzie wychowywali ją dalecy krewni. Jest oszołomiona miastem, niechętnie przyjęta przez cioteczną siostrę "Dziunię" – rozpieszczoną jedynaczkę. Mimo to nie traci pogody ducha, a jej dobroć i serdeczność przełamuje uprzedzoną do niej gosposię, która zastępuję matkę Dziuni, która wyjechała do innego miasta. Dziunia razem z Karolem dokuczają "Bułeczce", choroba Dziuni nie zmienia tego stanu.
Director: Anna Sokolowska.
Cast: Antonina Barczewska, Jacek Bohdanowicz, Halina Buyno-Loza, Katarzyna Dabrowska, Wirgiliusz Gryn, Eliasz Kuziemski, Teresa Lipowska, Ferdynand Matysik, Ludomir Olszewski, Dorota Orkiszewska, Leonard Pietraszak.
Poland, 1973.
Language: Polish.
Download Bułeczka.
Булочка / Bułeczka. 1973.
Bułeczka. 1973.

Fillim i vështirë. 1986.

Трудное начало / Fillim i vështirë. 1986.
 “Rreziku i ardhjes së njerkës” vjen papritur në jetën e Bledit të vogël. Ky lajm që vogëlushi e mëson rastësisht ishte një shok emocional për të. Nga ana tjetër kjo ndikon në lidhjen shpirtërore midis babait të Bledit Agronit dhe Zanës një kolege e tij e cila ushqen një ndjenjë të thellë dashurie për Agronin.
Director: Albert Xholi.
Cast: Shkëlqim Basha, Marta Burda, Timo Flloko, Sokol Gjoshi, Marieta Ljarja, Margarita Xhepa, Donika Zyberi, Frederik Zhilla, Zhaneta Pali.
Albania, Shqipëria e Re, 1986.
Language: Albanian.
Download Fillim i vështirë.
Трудное начало / Fillim i vështirë. 1986.
Fillim i vështirë. 1986.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser and Trailer.

Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser and Trailer.
 In a future medieval world, after the collapse of our civilization, man has repeated all the same mistakes again, and installed a new system of law based on false science and superstitious beliefs. Worst of all their deviances now, is anyone who dares to consume or even touch the sweet-tasting 'Chisa' flower. Once caught, they are permanently banished from the village, and made to live a life of solitude and poverty. Most prone to this deviance are children - known by elders as 'vessels for evil' - since their natural curiosity makes them prey to temptation. Yet these rejected children, left to their own devices, free and as wild as the wind, are discovering the true power of this plant and its teachings. Its sap contain what most adult fear: a vision of the truth. They have learned so much that some villagers even accuse these children of witchcraft.
Coming soon!
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Thiago Stampone, Ismael Stampone, Oscar Mira, Cristian Cavo, Oscar Molinari.
Argentina, Noel Films, 2019.
Language: Spanish.
Download Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser.
Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser and Trailer.
Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser.
Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Teaser and Trailer.
Rechazados / Rejected. 2019. 4K Trailer.

No mires para abajo / Don't Look Down. 2008.

No mires para abajo / Don't Look Down. 2008.
 ES. Eloy es un adolescente de diecinueve años que trabaja junto a sus padres. Su trabajo consiste en repartir lápidas y figuras ornamentales en las sepulturas que atiende el negocio familiar en el cementerio de la ciudad. Al morir su padre, Eloy ve acelerar el tiempo que lo llevará a madurar en un mundo hostil y ajeno. En el camino conoce a Beatriz, una joven andaluza, que mediante el aprendizaje de ciertas prácticas sexuales le permitirá acceder a zonas desconocidas de su espíritu y de la realidad.
EN. Coming of age. In Buenos Aires, Eloy is on the verge of manhood. He studies physics, helps with the family headstone business, and does advertising - handing out flyers while walking on stilts or wearing an empanada costume. When his melancholy father dies, Eloy imagines that his father visits him at night; the explanation is more pedestrian - Eloy has started sleepwalking. Things change abruptly: while sleepwalking, he falls through an open skylight into the bed of Elvira, a young woman from Barcelona visiting her grandmother. Elvira invites Eloy to become her lover and teaches him Tantric sex. Eloy discovers bliss. And his father?
Director: Eliseo Subiela.
Cast: Antonella Costa, Leandro Stivelman, Hugo Arana, Mónica Galán, Octavio Borro, María Elina Ruas, Marzenka Novak, Viviana Piccolo.
Argentina, France, 2008.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, French, Persian, Spanish.
Download No mires para abajo / Don't Look Down. 2008.
No mires para abajo / Don't Look Down. 2008.
No mires para abajo / Don't Look Down. 2008.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.

Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
 FR. Les Mots pour le dire est un film français réalisé par José Pinheiro d'après le roman autobiographique de Marie Cardinal. Le film est sorti en 1983.
Marie, la trentaine, fille de parents divorcés, a un malaise dans le métro à Paris. Elle consulte un psychanalyste pour aller à la recherche des tourments qui empoisonnent sa vie.
EN. Marie has has her period for many years endlessly. She's tires, faints everywhere. Because she might be somatizing, she starts a therapy. A new life opens to her.
A warning: this is a VHS-rip from an old videocassette, the video quality is very poor.
Director: José Pinheiro.
Cast: Nicole Garcia, Marie-Christine Barrault, Daniel Mesguich, Claude Rich, Jean-Luc Boutté, Michèle Baumgartner, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Robin Renucci, Céline Blanc-Potard.
France, 1983.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Anthology of short films. Part 58.

Anthology of short films. Part 58.
 latest release of the anthology of the best short films in the world, the 58th issue of the collection of short films is ready for viewing. Today, mostly new films in high quality, exactly 8 minifilms.
1. A Gold Star Kid. 2017.
9 years old Matt is finding a 20 euro bill on the pavement. Matt is seeing a soldier in the restaurant which reminds his late father who was a soldier, and he changes his mind to pay it forward that 20 euro bill by the memory of his father.
Director: Reshan Fernando.
Cast: Nils Bento-Connault, Rachid Oumakhlouf.
France, 2017.
Language: English.
1920x800 HD
2. Ya ili R. 2018.
Two girls in summer camp exchanged bodies...
Director: Maksim Trapo.
Cast: Yekaterina Rybalkina, Sof'ya Khramova, Roman Kalinin, Liokadiya Tazhiyeva, Evelina Tazhiyeva, Serafima Kazakova, Adelaida Tazhiyeva, Yegor Putin.
Russia, 2018.
Language: Russian.
1920х1080 HD
3. Mishko. 2018.
Angel, shy and introvert boy, goes to pick apples for sale with his friend Mishko. But as the day goes by, Angel faces more and more the cruelty of Mishko and his own parents.
Director: Hanis Bagashov.
Cast: Igor Angelov, Verica Nedeska, Tarik Ramadani, Marko Ristovski, Veda Spasovic.
Republic of Macedonia, 2018.
Language: Macedonian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
4. Delfinen / The Dolphin. 2017.
The "Dolphin" begins with Anna leaving her husband in the car to go back to pick up their 7-years old son Robert. The son is very surprised to see her, and Anna takes him on a fantastic journey to the beach to finish the swimming course, the DOLPHIN. They relive a lot of beautiful memories they have gathered from their former trips together. But something is wrong, and only when Anna and Robert swim together in the ocean, Anna has to face reality.
Director: Laurits Munch-Petersen.
Cast: Pernille Andersen, Viktor Andersen, Thure Lindhardt, Laurits Munch-Petersen, Iben Dorner.
Denmark, 2017.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Neon Heartache. 2013.
A young girl goes into her brother's room and tries to make sense of what she finds.
Director: Danielle Lessovitz.
Cast: Sean Dibona, Eden Einhorn.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
6. The World in Your Window. 2017.
Eight-year-old Jesse lives in a twilight world of sadness and silence, squeezed into a tiny caravan with his grief stricken father. They're in limbo, existing more than living. The child intuitively understands that looking forward is harder than looking back, and that's where life happens. But they are stuck, until an accidental friendship with a V8 driving Transsexual unlocks the means for Jesse to liberate his father and himself.
Director: Zoe McIntosh.
Cast: Joe Folau, Lena Regan, David Lolofakangalo Rounds.
New Zealand, 2017.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
7. What Are Friends For? 1980.
Two 12-year-old girls going through a divorce make a pact never to divorce their friendship.
Director: Stephen Gyllenhaal.
Cast: Melora Hardin, Dana Hill, Susan Adams, Michael Currie, Sally Kemp.
USA, 1980.
Language: English.
8. Ici, là, en bas. 2008.
Il était une fois un sexe de petite fille à qui l'on avait ordonné de se cacher dans un monde où on ne le nommerait même pas. Ici, là, en bas. Il était une fois une jeune fille amoureuse d'un jeune homme. Cette jeune fille était triste car son sexe s'était caché. Le jeune homme était perdu car celle qu'il aimait se cachait. Le sexe, lui, voulait tant aimer et être aimé, qu'il s'était mis à crier.
Director: Lise Lefèvre.
Cast: Laurie Lefret, Antoine Laurent.
France, 2008.
Language: French.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 58.
Anthology of short films. Part 58.
Anthology of short films. Part 58.
Anthology of short films. Part 58.
Anthology of short films. Part 58.

Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah / I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced. 2014.

Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah / I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced. 2014.
 I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced is a 2014 Yemeni drama film directed by Khadija al-Salami. It was selected as the Yemeni entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards, the first time that Yemen had submitted a film for consideration. However, it was not nominated. The film is based on the story of Nujood Ali, who sought divorce from her abusive husband at age 10.
A true story about a ten-year-old girl, forced to marry a man twenty years her senior. She tries to free herself from this violent relationship by filing for divorce at a Yemeni court. Khadija Al-Salami is Yemen’s first female filmmaker and belongs to a new generation of Arab women filmmakers whose work is currently screened in EYE.
The opening film in EYE’s programme is an adaptation of the international bestseller about 10-year old Nujood, who made international headlines in 2009 when she protested against her arranged marriage. Nujood became the figurehead of the fight against child brides in Yemen. According to figures of the United Nations and the Yemeni government, some 50% of Yemeni girls are married before they are 18, while 15% is married before the age of 15.
The girls are taken away from their families with the promise of a moderate dowry and the argument that there will be ‘one mouth less to feed’. Nojoom’s husband, however, forces his young bride to do hard work and rapes her every night – a legitimate and acceptable act in the eyes of the majority, but not for Nojoom.
Director: Khadija Al-Salami.
Cast: Adnan Alkhader, Rana Mohammed, Reham Mohammed.
Yemen, 2014.
Language: Arabic, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah / I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced.
Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah / I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced. 2014.
Ana Nojoom bent alasherah wamotalagah / I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced. 2014.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Anthology of short films. Part 57.

Anthology of short films. Part 57.
Continuation of the anthology of the best short films in the world, the 57th issue of the collection of short films is ready for viewing. Today, mostly new films in high quality, exactly 9 pieces.
1. Laps. 2018.
"LAPS" is an Anti-Bullying Short Film centering around a talented young swimmer who is being bullied by some older boys on his team when they recognize his talent. Out of jealousy, the older boys antagonize him until he can't take it anymore. When he finally gets the chance to exact his revenge, he begins to think twice about the consequences of his actions and if it will really put an end to the difficult situation. A heartfelt and honest tale of a boy overcoming adversity, LAPS is a film that families and children of all ages can enjoy.
Director: Ian Lang.
Cast: Brayden Benson, Hunter Wayne Pratt, Cameron Judd, Ian Lang.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1280x546 HD
2. Pee Shy. 2004.
A boy becomes so frightened by his scout leader's campfire stories that he humiliates himself one night, and becomes the object of the scout leader's vicious humor....until the troop encounters something truly terrifying in the woods.
Director: Deb Hagan.
Cast: Pat Finn, Nick Offerman, Lucas Till, Blake Neitzel, Kyle Kaplan.
USA, 2004.
Language: English.
3. Vstrecha ili Poslednyaya stadiya evolyutsii. 2009.
Satirical film about the excessive passion of modern schoolchildren mobile phones.
Directors: Nikolay Svobodin, Anton Svobodin.
Cast: Kirill Kostin, Semen Buchi.
Russia, 2009.
Language: Russian.
1920х1080 HD
4. Penfield. 2011.
Is Penfield a place? No, no such place exists. A person then? No. There is no such person.- Is it perhaps a sensation?... Something like irritation in a member that already does not exist.
Director: Isabel de Ayguavives.
Cast: Sonia Madrid, Miriam Martín.
Spain, 2011.
Language: Spanish.
1368x768 HD
5. Moth. 2004.
Tommy is an unhappy seven year old boy who is still grieving for the death of his father, whilst battling with his new stepfather. When a moth dies in the palm of his hand he is fascinated by the residue it leaves behind - "magic dust, that helps the moths to fly" his mother tells him. Tommy becomes obsessed with moths, seeing them as the only way to escape from the conflict around and within him.
Director: Simon Corris.
Cast: Joseph Friend, Julia Ford, Brett Fancy, Thomas Grant.
UK, 2004.
Language: English.
6. Zvezdnoy nochyu osenney. 2018.
Fantasy on a poem by Vladislav Krapivin. The music for this movie clip was written by Vladislav Kruglov.
Director: Andrey Borodin.
Cast: Maksim Praslov, Pavel Ognev.
Russia, 2018.
Language: Russian.
1920х1080 HD
7. Kadetskiy vals. 2018.
Fantasy on books and poems by Vladislav Krapivin on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Director: Daniel Anderson.
Cast: Pasha Kozakov, Maksim Praslov, Timofey Kamzolov, Misha Ditkovskiy, Vanya Derevyanko, Sasha Dudnikov, Timofey Konev, German Melikhov, Pavel Ognev, Pavel Slabov.
Russia, 2009.
Language: Russian.
1920х1080 HD
8. Fauve. 2018.
Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game with Mother Nature as the sole observer...
Director: Jeremy Comte.
Cast: Louise Bombardier, Félix Grenier, Alexandre Perreault.
Canada, 2018.
Language: French.
2048x858 HD
9. Son of Samila. 2016.
New York-based French director Charlotte Rabate talks about her short, shot along the shores of Thailand: “It started with a location and a mermaid statue. We wanted to tell the story of a 12-year-old boy in a fishing village, abandoned by his mother at a very young age. The people of the village would tell him tales of a mermaid, who had no choice but to abandon her son. Once we arrived on location, we connected instantly with Man, a boy who had a story very close to our vision. Son of Samila became a hybrid film, a mix between fiction and reality, just like our character’s world.”
Director: Charlotte Rabate.
Cast: Panumas Mingmueng, Suriya Sahakaro, Somsri Tochanok, Prajoub Teebjeerngkul, Paphawee Yingtaweesuk.
USA, Thailand, 2016.
Language: Thai.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 57.
Anthology of short films. Part 57.
Anthology of short films. Part 57.
Anthology of short films. Part 57.
Anthology of short films. Part 57.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976.

Каникулы у бабушки / Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976.
SK. Pôvodný televízny film o chlapcovi z mesta, ktorý nachádza na dedine ozajstných kamarátov.
Malý Paľo se vrací domů z pochodového cvičení. Ve schránce nalézá pohled o d kamaráda Štefana z Ilanova. Chce, aby tam přijel Paľo na prázdniny. Rodiče chtějí, aby jel s nimi na Jaltu. Nu, nakonec cestuje vlakem do Ilanova. Pavel přibezl Štefanovi dýku, legrace je v tom, že Štefan koupil Pavlovi naprosto stejnou. Další den u budovaného „koupaliště“ vzniká spor. Pavel nestavěl, a Vincek nechce, aby se tedy zde koupal. Pavel tedy s kamarádem a holkou odchází. Nalézají přilbu, do které natrhají maliny. S těmito přijdou opět ke „koupališti“. Za maliny je možno se vykoupat, jenže kluci je sežrali všechny do jedné. Dochází k pořádné Bukovské pranici. Později se kluci koupou jen tak, protože spadli do vody při chytání pstruha. Vinco jim sebere šaty a hodí do vody, což vidí jejich kamarádka Julka a také později pěkně práskne. Jenže kluci museli s hanbou nahatí domů. Za to Vincovi rozebralo kolo a jeho součástky rozvěsili po stromě. Vinco jim za to zažene husy do jahod, když při jejich hlídání usnou...
EN. The original television film about a boy from the city, who is in the village of real friends.
Director: Dušan Kodaj.
Cast: Matej Landl, Mária Markovičová, Božidara Turzonovová, Igor Hrabinský, Ivan Rajniak, Lotár Radványi, Ľudovít Greššo.
Czechoslovakia, 1976.
Language: Slovak.
Download Prázdniny u starej mamy.
Каникулы у бабушки / Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976.
 Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976.

სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli. 1976.

Соло для свирели / სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli. 1976.
 The old Georgian short film about the rich imagination of the five-year-old boy Irakly, his musical experiments and relationships with adults. In one of their episodes also used the plot of the story of Herbert Wells "The Magic Shop." In the film, the orchestra of kindergarten No. 27 in Tbilisi was filmed.
Director: Darya Gurina / დარია ხოჯავა.
Cast: Irakli Beriashvili, Yazon Bakradze, Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Rusudan Kiknadze, Meya Megrelishvili.
USSR, Georgia Film, 1976.
Language: Russian.
Download სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli.
Соло для свирели / სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli. 1976.
 სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli. 1976.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Celia / Celia: Child of Terror. 1989.

Селия / Celia / Celia: Child of Terror. 1989.Селия / Celia / Celia: Child of Terror. 1989.

In suburban Melbourne in the 1950s, amidst the Red Scare and a rabbit plague, Celia (Rebecca Smart) is a troubled nine-year-old caught up in these events, as well as family crises, and whose response to them eventually leads to tragic consequences.
Director: Ann Turner.
Cast: Rebecca Smart, Nicholas Eadie, Victoria Longley, Mary-Anne Fahey, Margaret Ricketts, Alexander Hutchinson, Adrian Mitchell, Callie Gray, Martin Sharman, Clair Couttie, Alex Menglet, Amelia Frid, William Zappa, Feon Keane.
Australia, 1989.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Celia / Celia: Child of Terror.
Селия / Celia / Celia: Child of Terror. 1989.
 Celia / Celia: Child of Terror. 1989.