Friday, March 31, 2017

Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty. 2011.

Конец невинности / Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty.
 Shoko Kimura’s Koi ni Itaru Yamai begins well enough with beyond precocious high schooler Tsubara (Miwako Wagatsuma) seducing her nerdy teacher Madoka (Youichiro Saitou). Through their impetuous coupling on a pile of exam papers, somehow their sex organs get transposed. It’s at this very moment where the film not only begins to fall apart, but where director Kimura begins to show her retrograde attitudes and views about male/female sexuality and roles. The confused couple goes to a cabin retreat to figure out things. Tsubara’s goofy-fascinated by her new rod, while Madoka retches every time the idea of fucking comes up. Somewhere along the line, justified by some idea of counterpoint, another young high school couple En (Aimi Satsukawa) and Maru (Shouta Sometani) join up to cavort and work out their own issues of sexuality. Most noticeably absent from the meandering speaking that poses as dialogue is the issue of a teacher and teenage student getting it on. Zero. Despite a good initial inspiration, Kimura remains pretty fucked up on issues regarding sex and gender.
Director: Shoko Kimura.
Cast: Miwako Wagatsuma, Yoichiro Saito, Aimi Satsukawa, Shota Sometani.
Japan, 2011.
Language: Japanese.
Конец невинности / Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty.
Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty.

Monday, March 27, 2017

La canción de los niños muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.

Песни мёртвых детей / La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.
 Set on a remote beach, this long short is at times a harrowing account of brutality and recrimination. Several traumatised children mete out punishment to their elderly father for unimagined crimes in this meditation on grief, blame and consequences.
There is a stand-out performance from the actor playing the eldest son, Emilio, a thug shaped by tragedy and fear. It is difficult to surmise at times whether the gritty realism here is deliberate, or merely the landscape of an angry teenager's violent fantasies.
As tension between Emilio and his father continues to mount, the rivalry between the brothers is also played out in a series of confrontations. Magdalena, the only girl, retreats into silence as her body betrays her slow passage into womanhood and she is predictably a caring figure who consoles her youngest brother, who refuses to emerge from the wardrobe, where a mysterious silver chalice is kept. This chalice serves a perhaps surprising purpose in the film's conclusion.
Director: David Pablos.
Cast: Sebastian Aguirre, Rodrigo Azuela, Daniel Corkidi, Ana Elena Kelly, Jose Martinez, Ruben Pablos
Mexico, 2008.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
 1280x720 HD
Download La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children.
Песни мёртвых детей / La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.
La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Siroce. 1978.

Сирота / Siroce.
 EN. Story of children growing up in Yugoslavia right after the end of World War II.
BA. Trenutak decjeg izrastanja u jednom dobu kada je rastenje bilo ubrzano i u doba rata i odmah posle rata.
Director: Zdravko Sotra.
Cast: Ljubomir Cipranic, Tatjana Lukjanova, Rade Markovic, Dejan Mironja, Nenad Nenadovic, Zivojin Nenadovic, Vesna Pecanac, Dragan Petrovic, Dusan Pocek, Goran Radakovic.
Yugoslavia, 1978.
Language: Serbo-Croatian .
Download Сирота / Siroce.
Сирота / Siroce.
Siroce. 1978.

Voor een verloren soldaat / For a Lost Soldier. 1992.

В честь пропавшего солдата / Voor een verloren soldaat | For a Lost Soldier.
 The story of a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child. Set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII, the film is a flashback recalling an adolescent relationship between Jeroen and a Canadian soldier. A difficult subject handled with style and feeling.
Director: Roeland Kerbosch.
Cast: Maarten Smit, Andrew Kelley, Jeroen Krabbé, Freark Smink, Elsje de Wijn, Derk-Jan Kroon, Wiendelt Hooijer, Iris Misset, Gineke de Jager, Tatum Dagelet, Marie-José Kouwenhoven.
Netherlands, 1992.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Voor een verloren soldaat | For a Lost Soldier.
В честь пропавшего солдата / Voor een verloren soldaat | For a Lost Soldier.
Voor een verloren soldaat / For a Lost Soldier. 1992.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Foster Child. 2007.

Воспитанник / Foster Child. 2007.
 Thelma, together with her husband Dado and teenage sons Gerald and Yuri, are an urban poor family hired by a local foster care facility to provide temporary home and care to abandoned babies pending the latter's formal adoption. The inevitable separation is heart-rending for the foster family.
Thelma's foster child John-John is to be turned over to his adoptive American parents. Every moment with the 3-year-old John-John becomes more precious as Thelma goes through the day fulfilling her motherly duties for the last time—bathing John-John, feeding him, and bringing him to school where the boy participates in a school presentation.
Director: Brillante Mendoza.
Cast: Cherry Pie Picache, Kier Segundo, Eugene Domingo , Kristoffer King, Jake Macapagal, Ella Antonio, Paul Holmes, Lili Arivara, Ermie Concepcion, Jiro Manio.
Philippines, 2007.
Language: Filipino, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Foster Child.
Воспитанник / Foster Child. 2007.
Foster Child. 2007.

Friday, March 24, 2017

To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt. 1986.

Дерево, которому мы причинили боль / To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt.
 GR: Καλοκαίρι 1960, σ' ένα γραφικό χωριό της Χίου, τελευταίες μέρες του σχολικού έτους. Η φιλία δυο αγοριών της Δ’ τάξης του Δημοτικού κλονίζεται. Το σχολείο κλείνει και τα δυο παιδιά περνούν ένα μεγάλο μέρος του καλοκαιριού χωριστά. Ο ένας βοηθάει τη μητέρα του στα μαστιχόδεντρα, τα δέντρα που πληγώνονται και δακρύζουν την αστραφτερή τους μαστίχα. Ο άλλος, ακολουθεί τον δικό του, μοναχικό δρόμο και προσπαθεί να ξεφύγει από τη δική του αυταρχική μάνα, που συνηθίζει να τον κυνηγά με τον πλάστη στα σοκάκια του χωριού. Μια τυχαία συνάντησή τους κατά τη διάρκεια μιας τέτοιας καταδίωξης γίνεται αφορμή να επανασυνδεθούν και να περάσουν μαζί το υπόλοιπο καλοκαίρι.
EN: It's summer 1960, in the picturesque Greek town of Chios, where people get around by donkey. School is ending, and a present-day narrator is calling up memories of the idyllic weeks he spent between fourth and fifth grades. They compose ''The Tree We Hurt,'' an unassuming Greek movie that opens today at the Public Theater.
In the course of this brief holiday scrapbook, the boy assists his mother in cutting the bark of the gum tree -''the tree we hurt'' - so the gum may drip out like tears or jewels. He frolics with a stray dog, joins in anouting on the beach, frees some trapped birds and is shot at by the bird catcher. He develops a crush on a pretty girl visitor. He and his best friend, Runny-Nose Vangelis, also known as the Cat Strangler, participate in funeral processions to earn a few coins. They splash in a tiny pool, eat ice cream and smoke a cigarette. With some other kids, they make war on wasps and pick on the local lunatic.
Director: Dimos Avdeliodis.
Cast: Yannis Avdeliodis, Nikos Mioteris, Katerina Kyriakodi, Dimos Avdeliodis, Takis Agoris, Yannis Koliaros, Vagelio Misailidou, Kostas Kalamotoessis, Dimitris Sideratos, Stelios Makrias, Despina Psalti.
Greece, 1986.
Language: Greek.
Дерево, которому мы причинили боль / To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt.
To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt.

Diary of a Teenage Nudist. 2004.

Дневник тинейджера-нудиста / Diary of a Teenage Nudist.
 Documentary about nudism and naturism in USA and UK. This sensitive and touching film follows 18-year-old Bianca as she embarks on an investigation into what motivates people to take off their clothes in public.
Director: Alex Berk.
Cast: Bianca Badham, Charlotte Ruddock, Julie Ruddock, Steve Ruddock.
UK, 2004.

Language: English..
Download Diary of a Teenage Nudist.
Дневник тинейджера-нудиста / Diary of a Teenage Nudist.
 Diary of a Teenage Nudist.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Soup and Me. 1978.

Суп и я / Soup and Me. 1978.
 On the day of the Halloween party, boys Soup and Rob are finding plenty of ways to get into trouble: swimming in a local pond (though their mothers prohibit swimming so late in the year), pitching apples over a barn, and borrowing a cart which had drifted away from its owner. The grandest mischief of all, however, comes from their attempt to win the prize at the Halloween party, given to the entrant with the largest pumpkin.
Based on Rober Newton Peck's fantastic "Soup" Books.
Director: Dennis Donnelly.
Writers: Mark Fink, Robert Newton Peck.
Cast: Frank Cady, Shane Sinutko, Christian Berrigan, Mary Margaret Patts, Owen Bush, Kathleen Freeman.
USA, 1978.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Soup and Me.
Суп и я / Soup and Me. 1978.
 Soup and Me. 1978.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Kasva terveeksi. 1955.

Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Found a good quality version of this film.
FI. Perusteellinen aamupesu on vähintä mitä jokaiselta terveydestään kiinni pitävältä voi vaatia. Puhtaus alkaa käsien pesusta.
EN. Versatile nutrition and flattering in fresh air are the foundation of good health and well-being, as evidenced by the 1950s enlightenment film.
Director: Osmo Lampinen.
Cast: Seppo Wallin (Narrator).
Finland, 1955.
Language: Finnish.
Download Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.
Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs.

Angeles y querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi, cinematographer of such visual masterpieces as El Topo and The Holy Mountain. This surreal Mexican fantasy shows influences of Alejandro Jodorowsky as you would expect, and also of the style of Kenneth Anger, and the darker side of Czech “fairy tale” cinema. Visuals are rich and original, the music less so but still a pleasure. Overall it’s rather mellower than the typical “head trip” film of the early ‘seventies which seemed to revel in causing shock and offence. I found it an absolute delight.
The prelude is set in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve played by the director’s infant children. It’s gender-reversed with Eve arriving first, which is probably significant. After ten minutes, just as you might be starting to seriously question what you have downloaded, we move on to the main story, introduced by a biblical quotation: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them”.
We find ourselves in a castle, or perhaps a convent judging by the number of nuns around. A gathering of the ruling family appears to be taking place. An eclectic mix of costumes suggests no particular time and place. We meet our young hero Cristian (Jorge Humberto Robles), a fine young fellow, clean, upstanding, dare I say it even virginal.
Actually it’s safest if I don’t try to set out the plot, except to say that we seem to have an allegory of a Pilgrim, or Grail Knight, who one day leaves the convent garden and meets, falls in love with, and pursues to the ends of the Earth the beautiful Angela (Helena Rojo). So are the young couple to live happily ever after? Or will our hero be condemned to an eternity of shirt-ripping Byronic frustration?
Unfortunately the picture quality is dire as you can see. I’m almost certain it’s not supposed to be that tint. And the border jumps around in a distracting way. Nevertheless this is still a must for lovers of fantasy cinema.
Director: Rafael Corkidi.
Cast: Roberto Canedo, Jorge Humberto Robles, Helena Rojo, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Lea Corkidi, Pablo Corkidi , Cecilia Pezet, David Silva.
Mexico, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
In the archive 2 versions of the film, the differences are clearly visible on screenshots.
Download Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs.

Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
 Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Keshka I Mag. 1992.

Keshka I Mag. 1992.
 Comedy series "Keshka and ..." new funny adventures of the protagonist: Keshka very fond grandmother and one day, during a session of television magic, the Keshka asked magician return grandmother youth. But the magician as a good man, apparently increased the "magic" effect twice, and the effect of rejuvenation proved unpredictable...
Director: Samir Bagirov.
Cast: Innokenty Sichkar, Maria Vinogradova, Andrew Borovsky, Maria Ryschenkova, Sergey Gabrielyan, Olga Babich, Rosa Makagonova.
Belorussia, 1992.
Download Keshka I Mag.
Кешка и маг.
Keshka I Mag. 1992.

Kompanyeros. 1962.

Компаньерос / Kompanyeros. 1962.
Old Soviet movie about the life of Soviet schoolchildren, consisting of three short stories:
1. Kompanyeros.
2. Girl with a doll.
3. Boxing.
Directors: Yuri Romanovsky, Alexander Milyukov.

Cast: Nicku Kremnos, Ceyhun (Jake) Mirzoev, Andrey Nikonov, Oleg Lesnikov, Georgiy Satiny, Irina Styazhkina, Robert Ross, L. Bronfen, Yuri Smurawski.
USSR, Odessa film Studio, 1962.
Language: Russian.
Download Kompanyeros.
Компаньерос / Kompanyeros. 1962.
 Kompanyeros. 1962.

Blagie Namereniya. 1984.

Благие намерения / Blagie Namereniya. 1984.
 A screen adaptation of the novel by Albert Likhanov. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it is from this viewpoint is conducted narration in this film: after the Pedagogical Institute Nadezhda goes from Kiev and became a teacher of the younger group of the boarding school of a provincial town. That children do not feel deprived, she decides to draw the attention of childless families to the orphanage... 
Director: Andrey Benkendorf.
Cast: Marina Yakovleva, Yuri Platonov, Mariya Bolenko, Alyona Mushchitskaya, Nadezhda Lubochkova, Rimma Markova, Lyudmila Sosyura, Svetlana Tormakhova, Raisa Kurkina, Varvara Soshalskaya.
USSR, Film Studio A. Dovzhenko, 1984.
Language: Russian.
Download Blagie Namereniya.
Благие намерения / Blagie Namereniya. 1984.
Blagie Namereniya. 1984.

Na tebya upovayu / I Hope for You. 1992.

На тебя уповаю / Na tebya upovayu / I Hope for You. 1992.
 The story of a young woman who is giving up his own newborn baby, passing the road of suffering and sorrow, after a suicide attempt and psychiatric hospital on the advice of the priest gets a job at a children's shelter.
Director: Elena Tsyplakova.
Cast: Irina Rozanova, Natalya Sokoreva, Evgeniya Dobrovolskaya, Tatyana Markhel, Natalya Fisson, Vladimir Ilin, Dmitriy Pevtsov, Margarita Shubina, Galina Makarova. Natalya Fedortsova, Aleksandr Tikhonovich.
USSR, Belorussia, 1992.
 Language: Russian.
Download Na tebya upovayu / I Hope for You.
На тебя уповаю / Na tebya upovayu / I Hope for You. 1992.
Na tebya upovayu / I Hope for You. 1992.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Neobyknovennyye priklyucheniya Karika i Vali / Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures. 1987.

Необыкновенные приключения Карика и Вали. 2 серии. 1987.
Fairy-tale adventure two-part comedy based on the story of the same name by Jan Larry. Is so happened that Karik and Valya, the main characters, remarkably shrank in size, their whole habitual world acquiring unusual contours and unusual features.
Director: Valeri Rodchenko.
Cast: Aleksei Chertsov, Anna Dikul, Vasiliy Livanov, Viktor Mikhaylov, Elena Popova, Olga Volkova, Mikhail Svetin. Leonid Yarmolnik, Gelena Ivlieva, Arkadi Shalolashvili.
USSR, "Lenfilm", 1987.
Language: Russian.
 Download Neobyknovennyye priklyucheniya Karika i Vali / Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures.
Необыкновенные приключения Карика и Вали / Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures. 1987.
Neobyknovennyye priklyucheniya Karika i Vali / Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures. 1987.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Detstvo Tyomy / Tyoma's Childhood. 1991.

Детство Тёмы / Detstvo Tyomy / Tyoma's Childhood. 1991.
  Two-part television film based on the story of the same name by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Small Tyoma Kartashov, noble son of a retired general, grows up and learns to understand complex human relationships, to appreciate life with all its beauty and ugliness and to love the people.
Director: Elena Strizhevskaya.

Cast: Sergei Golev, Anna Kamenkova, Leonid Kulagin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Zinoviy Gerdt, Lyubov Omelchenko, Yuriy Chernov, Alyona Belyak, Valentina Ananina, Vladimir Maksimov, Vera Ivleva, Igor Kashintsev.
USSR, Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1991.
Language: Russian.
Download Detstvo Tyomy / Tyoma's Childhood.

Детство Тёмы / Detstvo Tyomy / Tyoma's Childhood. 1991.
 Detstvo Tyomy / Tyoma's Childhood. 1991.

Devochka i ekho / Paskutinė atostogų diena. 1964. DVD.

Девочка и эхо / Paskutinė atostogų diena. 1964. DVD.
 LT. Ši poetinė Arūno Žebriūno drama pasakoja apie jaunos mergaitės Vikos jausmų pasaulį. Ji - svajotoja, kuri dažnai lankosi pajūryje ir klausosi tarp uolų skardenančio aido. Nors Vika mėgsta vienatvę, greitai ji susiranda draugą Romą, kuriam ne tik patiki visas savo paslaptis, bet ir parodo jai brangias vietas, išmoko kalbėtis su aidu. Tačiau vaikų draugystė atsiduria pavojuje - kai kiti berniukai šaiposi iš Vikos, Romas išsigąsta ir jos neužstoja.
EN. Movie about a friendship of two children - a girl and a boy during the last day of summer holiday.
Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas.
Cast: Lina Braknytė, Valerij Zubarev, Bronius Babkauskas, Kalju Karm.
USSR, Lietuvos Kinostudija, 1964.
Download Devochka i ekho / Paskutinė atostogų diena.
Девочка и эхо / Paskutinė atostogų diena. 1964. DVD.
Devochka i ekho / Paskutinė atostogų diena. 1964. DVD.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Fallen Angel. 1981.

Падший ангел / Fallen Angel.
Twelve year old Jennifer is unhappy with her widowed mom's relationship with a family friend. Feeling lonely, she readily accepts the friendship of an adult man named Howie and joins the softball team he coaches. Soon, Howie is convincing Jennifer to pose for photographs which become more and more revealing. Howie turns out to be a pedophile who works in child pornography and he plans to make Jennifer a "star". Will Jennifer's mother be able to help her daughter before it's too late?
Director: Robert Michael Lewis.
Cast: Dana Hill, Richard Masur, Melinda Dillon, Ronny Cox, David Hayward, Virginia Kiser, Shelby Leverington, Adam Gunn, Ronald G. Joseph, David Rode, Arthur Rosenberg, Elizabeth Cheshire.
USA, 1981. 
Language: English.
Падший ангел / Fallen Angel.
Fallen Angel. 1981.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978.

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.
A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at the place where he is recuperating. He doesn't seem to mind that he is spending so much time with her. He becomes deeply infatuated with her, but can't physically consummate any kind of relationship with her. She brightens his day, but her sexuality is just beginning to bud. When she begins to prefer a male closer to her age than the writer, the finality of the plot is set.
Director:  Mimmo Cattarinich.
Cast:  Pierre Clémenti, Katya Berger, Ugo Bologna, Michele Soavi, Raf Baldassarre, José Luis López Vázquez, Bárbara Rey, Tom Felleghy, Cesare Di Vito, Walter Colombaioni, Eros Buttaglieri, Paul Muller, Maria Monti.
Italy, Spain, 1978.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Piccole Labbra / Little Lips.
Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.
Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Ártún. 2014.

Ártún. 2014.
 A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. So one day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more then they bargained for.
Fragment, full version is wanted.
Director: Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson.
Cast: Þórunn Snjólaug Gunnarsdóttir, Viktór Leó Gíslason, Kristrún Amelía Halliwell.
Iceland, Denmark, 2014.
Language: Icelandic.
Download Ártún.
Ártún. 2014.
Ártún. 2014.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.

Месть Доротеи / Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.
 DE. Die Gymnasiastin Dorothea, 17 Jahre jung, hat nur wenige Erfahrungen in Sachen Liebe. Von Neugier getrieben begibt sie sich auf den Hamburger Kiez. Zwischen Huren, Exhibitionisten, Dominas und Masochisten sucht Dorothea nach echten Gefühlen. Doch was sie entdeckt, ist eine Welt der Abgründe und Perversionen. Das provozierende Underground-Werk war Fleischmanns Reaktion auf die Sex- und Pornowelle der 70er Jahre. Gleichwohl bemerkten Kritiker, daß sein umstrittener Film den Produktionen, die er anprangerte, erstaunlich nahe kam. In der Hauptrolle überzeugt Anna Henkel, die verstorbene Frau von Herbert Grönemeyer.
EN. Dorothea, a 17-year-old bourgeois girl from Hamburg, plays with her friends of both sexes, imitating the production of adult movies. In the end, pretending to make sex-scenes is not satisfying enough, and with a street professional, Dorothea is initiated in hard sex.
Director: Peter Fleischmann.
Cast: Anna Henkel-Grönemeyer, Alexander von Paczensky, Gerhard Gommel, Henry Beuck, Anemone Gehann, Birgit Heise, Mathias Herisch, Barbara Ossenkopp, Monika Steffens, Elisabeth Potkanski, Regis Genger.
Germany, France, 1974.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge.
Месть Доротеи / Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.
 Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.

Цыпочки / Лукаво сердце человеческое более всего / The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.
 «Behind the greatest hoax of our time is the heartbreaking story that started it all
The dysfunctional twenty-three years old Sarah takes her six year old natural son Jeremiah from the home of his beloved foster parents with the support of the social service to live with her. Along the years, the boy shares her insane and lowlife style and is introduced to booze and drugs and mentally, physically and sexually abused by Sarah, her lovers and her religiously fanatic family.
Director: Asia Argento.
Cast: Asia Argento, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, Brent Almond, Jimmy Bennett, Kip Pardue, Jeremy Renner, David Brian Alley, Lydia Lunch, Ornella Muti, Peter Fonda.
USA, France, Japan, UK, 2004.
Language: English, Russian.
Download The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.
Цыпочки / Лукаво сердце человеческое более всего / The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.
The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.